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A small whimper came from me as he smacked my ass again. I can't believe this is happening right now.

He then grabbed a hold of my jaw, forcing me to look up at him, "What do you want me to do Bella?" He asked. I found myself leaning into his warm touch.

"I want you to use me." I spoke out softly. I didn't miss the small smirk that formed on his face.

Cole hummed in response, his lips now inches away from my own. I couldn't help but groan out when I realized he was teasing me. After a few moments he then captured my lips with his.

A small moan escaped from me as he pulled me against him, tugging and molding his mouth against mine. I barely had any time to catch my breath.

His lips then began kissing down my neck and my collarbone. I threw my head back as I tangled my hands in his silk strands.

"Please..." I whined out.

He felt so good. His hands, his lips... everything about him just drove me mad.

"Please what?" He spoke out, small goosebumps rising on my body as I felt his tongue on my neck.

"Stop fucking teasing me-" I began. Before I knew it Cole had wrapped his hand around my throat, slightly cutting off my windpipe.

"Watch that little mouth of yours, you understand?" He asked me, the tone of his voice making me squeeze my legs together.

I began nodding my head as I felt him adding pressure when I didn't respond. After a few moments he then released his hold on my neck, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip.

"Good girl"

Before I could say anything, I was already laying back on the bed. A small gasp came from me when I suddenly felt him place small kisses on the inside of my thighs.

He then flicked his tongue directly over my clit, causing my hips to rise unintentionally. He was quick to wrap his hands under my legs, gripping my thighs so that I couldn't move.

He guided his tongue up my center before circling the small bud. A small moan escaped from me as I gripped onto the sheets, watching as he continued to tease me.

It wasn't too long before he removed one of his hands from my thigh, now thrusting a finger inside of me.

"You're so tight and wet for me bambolina." He groaned out softly before adding another finger. I couldn't help but moan out in pain.

"Look at me." He spoke out before thrusting his fingers back inside of me. My eyes were now watering slightly as I felt him add a third finger.

He continued to thrust his fingers in and out, humming in approval at the sound of my moans. I felt as the tightness in my stomach started to build up as he started licking and sucking me again. My body started to feel more tense.

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