3.13 The Wrath of the Lamb

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Will: "In the end, he couldn't kill you and he couldn't watch you die. The people who study this kind of thing say that he was trying to stop because you helped him. Probably saved some lives."

Reba: "I drew a freak."

Will: "You didn't draw a freak. You drew a man with a freak on his back. There is nothing wrong with you."

Reba: "I know there's nothing wrong with me. In making friends, I try to be wary of people who foster dependency and feed on it. I've been with a few. The blind attract them."

Will: "Not just the blind."

Hannibal and Will are both imagining being together in the Norman Chapel, them going off into their own little world.

Will: "Ding-dong, the Dragon's dead."

Hannibal: "Are congratulations in order?"

Will: "I didn't kill him. Suicide."

Hannibal: "Then he wasn't as strong as the Dragon after all."

Will: "He was trying to stop."

Hannibal: "I was rooting for you, Will. It's a shame. You came all this way and you didn't get to kill anybody. Only consolation is Dr. Chilton. Congratulations for the job you did on him. I admired it enormously. What a cunning boy you are."

Will: "Are you accusing me of something?"

Hannibal: "Does the enemy inside you agree with the accusation? Even a little bit?"

Will: "I came back to stop the Dragon. He's stopped."

Hannibal: "Your family was on his itinerary. Safe now. You can go home again. If there's any point. Is there any point?"

Will: "I like my life there."

Hannibal: "It won't be the same. You'll see it's not the same. The unspoken knowledge will live with you, like unwanted company in the house."

Will: "Molly and I want it to be the same."

Hannibal: "When life becomes maddeningly polite... think about me. Think about me, Will, don't worry about me."

Will: "You turned yourself in so I would always know where you were. You'd only do that if I rejected you. Goodbye."

Hannibal: "Will... Was it good to see me?"

Will: "Good? No."

I feel like Will said that stuff about manipulating Hannibal to turn himself in just to hurt Hannibal. I do not believe Will knew Hannibal was going to do that, since Hannibal's whole motivation for turning himself in was love for Will, and Will apparently didn't know Hannibal was in love with him until that week. (Will didn't see it before because he didn't think Hannibal was capable of love before, safely and solely seeing him as only a monster, so once his love was openly addressed the floodgates were opened and it was all over.) And his supposed I-don't-care-about-you goodbye involved longingly pressing his hand to the glass of Hannibal's cell.

Dolarhyde: "Your face is closed to me."

Will: "If I can see you, you can see me."

Dolarhyde: "You think you understand, don't you?"

Will: "I understand that blood and breath are only elements undergoing change to fuel your radiance. Hannibal said those words. To me."

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