His betrayal

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<< Kuroo pov >>

I watched as they exchanged numbers and then Daishou left - "Ken... what? Why would you agree?" I asked, tears slowly building in the corners of my eyes. He smirked at me - "This is for going out with a girl I liked." He sneered and then left.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I was trying to remember going out with the girl Kenma liked but nothing was coming to my mind. He never told me he liked anyone and I haven't gone on a date with anyone since first year.

I was going on dates with girls who would confess to me and we would casually date for like a few weeks but I stopped when I started developing feelings for Daishou.

At that time Kenma never told me he liked anyone, let alone that I was going out with a girl he likes. I would never go on a date with Kenmas crush. So why is he doing this to me?

I could feel more tears build up in my eyes and threaten to spill so I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself into one of the staly and silently cried for some time.

I washed my face before returning to the gym and only Yaku was there - "Nohebi left along with our team. It's our turn to clinn the gym." He said and I just nodded. I was still agitated about what happened and I didn't trust my voice not to break.

I started taking down the net while Yaku cleaned all the balls from the floor. After that we took moops and moped the floors before taking all our things and locking the gym.

We walked together since a good porton to both our houses is the same - "What happened?" He asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence. "Nothing." I whispered. "Bullshit. You have been acting strangely since daishou talked to you and Kenma after the match. What happened? I won't ask nicely again." I sighed.

"Daishou asked Kenma out and he said yes." Yaku looked at me - "And what's wrong with that? Yes Daishou isn't the nicest person but Kenma can take care of himself." I sighed. "That's not the problem. The problem is that I like, no I love, Daishou since first year. And Kenma knows it. I ranted to him about how much in love with him I am countless times and he comforted me every time." I said. Yaku stopped walking so I turned around to look at him.

His eyes were wide open and he was opening and closing his mouth like a fish but nothing came out - "Okay we will come back to the you like Daishou part, but if Kenma knows this why would he do that?" I groaned - "I don't know! He told me something along the lines of 'This is for going out with the girl I liked.' He never told me he liked anyone nor reacted in any way every time I told him I'm going out with some girl! If he told me he liked one of them I would never go out with her and I would probably set them up!" I whine.

"Wait but you haven't gone out with any girls since like middle of the first year." Yaku said, confused. " I know, that's the time I started liking Daishou so I stopped." I confirmed. "This is meat up." I just nodded at his statement.

"Okay now back to the part where you are completely in love with Daishou." I sighed. "Well Daishou and I have been friends but then our parents fought so we stopped seeing each other. We first saw each other again in highschool and I immediately fell in love with him. And I mean can you blame me. He is the most beautiful, handsome, pretty and... sorry for ranting.?" I said, yaku laughed slightly "No problem, continue." He said.

"And then when we saw each other again he acted like he hated me so I did the same. And now our relationship is based on us insulting and hating each other. And it fucking hurts, like I literly cry after every match with nohebi because of everything he says to me. And the worst part is that he really means it." I said and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Yaku walked towards me and hugged me - "If you ever need to vent about anything, especially this, I'm always here, call me whenever, at 3 a.m. if needed but don't bottle up your filings." I nodded into his shoulder - "You want to stay at mine for the night?" He asked - "Please." He nodded.

I texted mom saying I will stay at Yaku's and he said his parents are okay with it. So we started walking to his house.

On the way there yaku talked about something stupid Lev did while I wasn't in the gym, probobly to take my mind of off everything and make me laugh. And he succeeded. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

When we got to his place we ate dinner with his parents and than watched some stupid movies in his room, made fun of them and talked about upcoming final exames.

Also he had 4 cats so we played with them too and the whole time they were with us, one was glued to Yaku and the other 3 wouldn't leave my side. They were all still small, only 4 months old and they were extremely cute.

All of that really took my mind off what happened but when the night came that was the only thing I could think about. Not only the soft purring of the kittens and their soft fur and warmth didn't help.

Silent tears fell down my cheeks as I laid on the futon and looked out the window. 

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