First Date

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<< Kuroo pov >>

I was so excited! It was finally the weekend and Daishou and I are going on a date. We didn't really talk about where we were going too much. He just told me not to worry and that he is going to take care of everything but I had a general idea where we could go.

I was on the phone with Yaku and Kai. We were on Facetime and they were trying to choose an outfit.

Eventually after about an hour of going through all my clothes and trying different combinations, it was kinda exhausting but we finally found a perfect combination. It was casual, comfortable but also good for a date.

I wore a red hoodie with black leather jacket, ripped black jeans and white sneakers.

After that we moved to the bathroom where I tried to make my hair look at least a little better. I somehow styled it to still look similar to my usual hair but more put together. "Hurry up! You have to go soon!" Kai reminded me and I looked at the clock and it read 4:57 p.m. - "I have 3 more minutes.'' Kai shook his head as I continued fixing my hair.

"Okay, you are ready. Now go Romeo, your Juliet is waiting." Yaku laughed and Kai smiled - "Hahaha, very funny. Go to you titan, dwarf." Kai laughed harder and Yaku scoveled - "You little shi-" I ended the call before he could finish.

'I'm so dead on monday.'

"Are you done already!?" Daoshou yelled from down stairs. "Yes, be there in a minute." I shouted back. I took one more deep breath before going down stairs.

I entered the living room, which was halfway connected to the halfway, and saw Daishou leaning on the frame and looking at his phone.

He was wearing a white shirt with a green jacket, black jeans and black shoes. His hair was also styled differently, it was neatly brushed back and some hairspray was holding everything in place but a few strings were sticking out on his forehead. He looked absolutely stunning, hot, handsome and everything else that means beautiful.

I was just standing on the bottom of the stairs, my yaw probably on the floor, for a few seconds before Daishou looked up at me. He smiled the most beautiful smile and walked over to me.

He put a hand under my chin and closed my mouth - "Ready to go?" I just nodded and he took my hand. And led us to his mom's car.

His parents also went on a date and they took Daishou dad's car and left us his mom's. Daishou recently got his licence but his mom was hesitant and it took Daishou, his dad and me pleading with her and bribing her that we were going to do all the chores for a week for her to let us drive the car.

We left the house and walked to the car, we got in and Daishou started driving. "Where are we going?" I asked - "You'll see." I rolled my eyes and we continued driving.

On the way we talked about absolutely irrelevant things, volleyball, drama in school and such.

After about 15 minutes of driving we pulled up at the tether - "Ohh, what movie are we watching?" I asked excitedly - "You'll see." He said, again!

"Stop saying that! It's annoying" I whined - "Than stop asking." He said simply - "I'm going to get us drinks and snacks, wait here." He said and walked off. I sighed but did as he said and he returned shortly after he returned with 2 drinks and a big popcorn.

"Okay, let's go. I already bought the tickets." He handed me my drink and again took my hand and led me to the movie room.

Room was already full and there were only a few free seats left. We walked to the back and sat in about the 5th or 6th row to the last in the middle.

As we sat down, lights went out and the movie started, The Lost City. I couldn't wait to watch that movie ever since it came out but I didn't have time before.

I love action and comedy movies, that is a well known fact, but I was secretly a sucker for romance. Daishou made fun of me the first time I told him that but he regretted it when I made him watch a romance movie marathon.

I told him how I wanted to watch the lost city like a million times and now I finally can.

I turned to him excitedly and found him already looking at me, smiling - "You satisfied with the movie?" he asked and I beamed - "Of course!" I whispered-shouted and leaned my head on his shoulder before looking at the screen again.

During the movie we held hands and he would occasionally kiss my head or my cheek, making me blush. But I didn't mind. He also properly kissed me at the kissing scene at the end of the movie, and my heart just melted.

After the movie was over almost two hours later around 7:30 p.m. and it was already starting to get darker outside. We went to the car again and firstly drove around for about 30 minutes while I rambled about the movie but Daishou didn't seem to mind and just listened with a smile.

whenI was finally done he drove us to the amusement park. It was really big and had lots of rides and games. And we tried everything. We were even a little nauseous after all the rides and also won a lot of prizes which included plushies, of course.

Daishou won me a big snake plushie, probably even longer than Hiroshi, that can wrap around your body and it's really soft and fluffy and I won him huge black cat with a golden eyes, red collar and green bandana on the collar,

"Is that it! It's getting kinda late." I asked. It was already 10 p.m. and already dark outside. "Soon, there is one more ride we need to go to." He said and started dragging me through a crowd of people towards a ferris wheel.

We stood in the line holding hands, a few people were looking at us. Some gigeled or pointed at us but with no harm while the other looked disgusted - "Don't mind them, they are just some oldfashioned dick heads." Daishou whispered into my ear when he saw me looking at a pair, a girl and a boy.

They were pointing at us and whispering. I nodded my head and he kissed my cheek. Soon it was our turn to go in the cart.

It was somewhat big. It had 2 benches on each side and we put our plushies and other things on one bench and sat on the other. We were holding hands and each looking at the window beside us. As we got closer to the top the view over the city became more beautiful and also a full moon came into view.

As we got to the top Daishou spoke - "Hey, Tetsu." I blushed bright red at the well, the nickname that came from my first name - "Look at me please." He added but I shook my head no.

My whole face and neck were bright red and I didn't want him to see me like that, it was embarrassing.

"Come on, look at me." Again I shook my head no but he put his other hand under my chin and turned my face towards him. He moved his hand onto my cheek and kissed me.

It wasn't a heated kiss, our lips were just connected. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I moved towards him with my whole body and wrapped my arms around his neck and he brought his other hand to my other cheek.

We started moving our lips and kiss started getting more hitted and finally after a few minutes we separated - "I love you, so much." He said. I leaned my forehead against him and chuckled a little - "I love you too, Suguru."

He sighed - "I'm so happy you gave me one more chance to prove myself to you." He said - "Giving you another chance was the best decision of my life." I whispered. 


quuick A/N:

This is the end of the story! i hope you liked it and thanks for everyone who read it and thanks for everyone who voted and commented!

Bye <3

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