On the streets

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<< Yaku pov >>

I was really worried for Kuroo. He was awake when I went to sleep last night and he was also awake when I woke up this morning. And he was laying in the same position, looking out the window. Dry tears stained his cheeks and his eyes were red.

He probably didn't sleep at all. I sighed internally. 'I'm going to have a serious talk with Kenma about what he did. No one messes with my friend and gets away with it!' I thought.

I slowly got out of the bed and quietly walked to Kuroo. I crouched down beside his futon - "Hey Kuroo." I lightly shook his shoulder. He just hummed, not moving an inch. "Breakfast will be ready soon, do you want to shower first?" I asked.

"You can go first, I'm going to play with kittens a little more." I nodded and got up. I took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom that was attached to my room, but not before I took Prince from my bed and laid him on Kuroo's chest.

Small smile appeared on his face as he patted the cat hently. I smiled and then went to the bathroom.

It took me about 20 minutes and when I entered my room again I almost got a stroke.

Kuroo was lying on the futon curled up into a sort of ball and all the kittens were lying in his arms, against his chest and linking his jaw, chin and cheeks. He was looking at them and smiling softly.

I took out my phone and took a picture. I sent it to our 3rd year group chat. "You can go shower now." I said as I put my phone down. He looked at me and was sighlet for a bit - "Okay." and with that he, reluctantly, got up and took clean clothes from his bag before entering the bathroom.

I took kittens in my arms and brought them downstairs in the kitchen. I filled up their bowls with milk and gave them to eat.

After that I sat on the couch in the living room and watched some TV while also texting Lev. Dad was on a business trip and mom was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Lev texts me every morning and even though it's annoying sometimes it always brings a smile to my face.

Around 35 to 45 minutes passed until finally Kuroo came downstairs. "What took you so long?" I asked as we walked to the dining room - "I had to properly wash and then style my hair. It takes time to look as beautiful as me." He grinned at me.

But I could tell that he was lying. His eyes were red and puffy which means he was crying and his hair was still mostly wet. I didn't say anything and we ate.

We all talked and laughed over the breakfast and after that Kuroo took all his things and left. His mother called him and told him to come home, urgently. He said she sounded very serious so he left in a hurry.

<< Kuroo pov >>

After breakfast mom called me and told me to immediately get home. She sounded serious, and maybe a bit angry. I took all my things and left, but not before petting kittens one more time and thanking Yaku and his mother for having me.

While walking home I thought about what could have happened. I didn't get any bad grades, didn't get in any trouble in school nor break any rules. We didn't fight or argue about anything and nothing happened with any of our relatives or their friends. And to my knowledge nothing happened at their work.

I just shook my head. My exams are coming up soon and they always gave me serious talk about my grades and future and bla bla bla so it was probably that. 'Yea, most definitely that. It can't be anything else.'

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