Finally Together

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<< Daishou pov >>

Today was so exhausting. Guys were so annoying the whole day. They were so annoying the whole day and were asking a million questions about the whole Kuroo situation, and when I finally, against my will, answered everything they started teasing me.

And they spent the rest of the day teasing me without stop

I was so tired I couldn't wait to come home and relax.

Dad went on a business trip and mom is going to some business dinner so she will come late, which is perfect.

I walked home, listening to music. Thank god today we didn't have afternoon practice but I had a long school day.

Coach informed us that we had a practice match with nekoma the next day, that is for sure going to be interesting.

When I finally reached home it was already dark outside

As I walked into the house I was immediately met with the delicious smell of homemade food.

I quickly took off my shoes and jacket before hurrying to the kitchen. I saw Kuroo. His back was facing me and he was standing in front of the stowe. He was wearing grey sweatpants and black tank top, along with mom's light green apron.

"Smells delicious. What are you making?" Kuroo turned around when I spoke and smiled lightly - "Miso soup, steamed rice, pork curry and Shoyu Ramen, oh also eggs with curry."He answered. "Hm, sounds delicious." I said as I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was finishing Shoyu Ramen.

I took plates and bowls along with chopsticks and set the table. Just as I finished he put the food on the table, I was about to sit down when Kuroo said - "Go wash your hands." He said.

I rolled my eyes - "Fine, mom." I said and went to the bathroom.

After I washed my hands I returned to the dining room and finally sat down - Itadakimasu." We both said before putting food on our plates.

We sat in somewhat awkward silence so I decided to speak - "We have a practice match tomorrow." Kuroo looked up at me. "I know, Yaku told me." He said and I hummed - "We will win this time." He laughed - "Yea sure and pigs can fly." He said in between laughs.

"Hahaha, really funny." I rolled my eyes - "Are you going to school tomorrow?" I asked. "Yep, I told my teacher that I felt a little sick today and that I'll come tomorrow. She sent me all the materials and homework for today." He said.

"I'll assume that you did that all afternoon." He nodded - "You are crazy. Every normal person would do absolutely nothing all day." He coucheled. "Yea well, I care about my studies, and especially now I need good grades so I get the scholarship for uni." I nodded.

We talked for another 2 hours and I helped him with the dishoes and store the leftover food for mom and dad.

"You want to watch a movie?" I asked - "Sure." I hummed. "You chose one, I'll be right back." I said before going to my room. I took both Aurora and Hiroshi out of their terrariums and took them down stairs.

As I walked in the living room I saw Kuroo Sitting on the couch, his legs covered with blanket and a bowl of popcorn on the table. On the TV was poised Hobbit 1. I sat beside him and gave him Aurora, he turned to me to take her and visibly tensed when He saw Hiroshi.

I laughed and also covered myself with a blanket. Snakes wrapped around both of us and we started watching the movie.

Throughout the movie we were getting closer and closer to each other until we were sitting right beside each other, arms and legs touching. I was leaning my head on his shoulder and he had his head on mine. Also our hands were intertwined underneath the blanket.

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