Seeking help

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<< Kuroo pov >>

I was staring at my phone, wide eyed and my mouth was hanging open.

'Why the fuck is he texting me!? Why does he care how I am doing!? And why does his mom know what happened!?'



You know it's not polite to leave people on read


I shook my head and tried to gather your thoughts and made sure I'm thinking somewhat straight before answering him.



Sorry, I was just surprised that's all



Care to answer to question


Why do you care?

And how does your mom know about what



You are avoiding question again

And I don't care, mom told me to

ask you

One of her friends told her

In coming call from Daishou🐍❤

Accept                 Decline

<< call >>



Daishou's mother


Oh my god, are you okay?!

Um... yes.

Don't lie to me.

Um.. I- um... I'm a little beat up and emotionally drained but I'm okay.

Where are you now?

At a hotel. Why?

I will explain everything later, but for now pack all your things and get ready. We will pick you up soon and you will stay with us.

No! There is no need for that! I have some money saved up and I'll think of some way to support myself! I don't want to burden you!

Tetsuro, slithen you stupid fuck, if mom said you should stay with us that means you should stay with us. You will run out of money at some point and you are still in school so you need to focus on your studies and not finding a job or worrying about if you are going to end up on the streets. So you will pack all your shit and mom and dad will pick you up. No objections.

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