Out of the Blue

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1 week

<< Daishou pov >>

A week has passed since Kuroo has been living with us.

And a week since I have to listen to his cry every night. At first it was annoying but as the time passed I started feeling sorry for him.

I mean I can even blame him for crying, he has been abandoned by his family for his sexuality and the person he likes and his best friend betrayed him. I would cry too if I were in his shoes.

He puts a smile in front of my parents and acts like everything is okay, when in reality he is broken and cries whenever he is alone.

Sometimes when I came home earlier I saw him cry. And it breaks my heart.

His crying hasn't been extreme. I could hear him singing and a few sobs but nothing more and it wouldn't last long, but tonight it was the worst.

He was full of sobbing and crying loudly, but not loud enough to wake up my parents. He was also mumbling something but I couldn't understand what.

Around an hour and a half has passed of him sobbing and crying his eyes out when I had enough and got up.

I walked to his room and, without knocking, opened the door. And the sight broke my heart in a million pieces.

Kuroo was sitting on the bed, back against the corner. His knees were pulled to his chest and his hands were tightly gripping and pulling on his hair, he was shaking and breathing heavenly.

When he heard the door opening he looked up, his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were flushed and stained with tears, he looked horrified to see me, but I didn't care.

I walked over to the bed and he moved his hands from his hair to his face and tried to wipe his tears away.

I took his wrists in my hands and moved them away from his face. I climbed onto the bed and sat up against the wall, pillow behind my head/back. Kuroo laid between my legs and on my chest. He tucked his head under my chin.

He wrapped one hand around my torso and tightly gripped my shirt with the other. He closed his eyes shut and continued to cry, not like before he was breathing almost normally and he wasn't shaking anymore.

I put one of my hands on his back and rubbed it slightly while my other one was in his hair, gently caressing it - "Where is Aurora?" I whispered. He let go of my shirt for a moment and pointed at the other end of the bed, where she was curled up in his shirt.

I nodded and he clutched my shirt again. I started whispering sweet nothings to him and slowly but surely he fell asleep.

I was awake for about 30 more minutes, just to make sure he wouldn't wake up and was calm, before I fell asleep too.

<< 3. Person pov >>

Next morning at 6:30 a.m. Daishou's friends were waiting for him at their usual meeting spot. They have morning practice today.

Usually Daishou is first there and always complaining about how his friends are always late, but this time it was different. All the boys in the volleyball club were waiting for 15 minutes now. They have texted and called Daishou many times but he hasn't responded either.

They were getting slightly worried so they decided to go to his house. It was monday and most of them have a long day of studying up ahead of them and morning practice, but they didn't mind skipping it one bit.

As they neared the house they saw only one car in the driveway, indicating that Daishou's dad had already left and his mom was just exiting the house - "Hello Ms. Akari." (I have no idea if I gave her name already so I'll go with this from now on.)

"Oh hey boys, what are you doing here?" She asked - "Daishou didn't come to meet up with us and he didn't answer his texts or calls so we came to check on him." Hiroo said.

"Oh well you are free to go and see, but I think he only slept in."She said and let them in the house. They walked in - "Don't forget to lock the door on your way out!" She reminded them from the car.

"We won't!" Kuguri reassured me.

The boys smirked at each other and took a big glass and filled it with ice cold water as they went to Daishou's room.

To their surprise he wasn't there, and he wasn't in the bathroom since all lights were off and there was no noise in the house.

They slowly walked to the guest room. They have no idea why Daishou would be there but that is the only place where he could have been.

As they slowly opened the door their eyes widened. In the room they saw Daishou and KUROO, Dasihou's sworn enemy, cuddling on the bed, and Kuroo holding onto Daishou for dear life.

They were all shocked to say the least and Hiroo, who was holding the glass, dropped it from his hand. The noise woke up two sleeping boys. Daishou, being a light sleeper and already awake, frantically looked around the room to see what made the nose.

He looked horrified when he saw his friends, some still looked shocked and some were smirking at him. Hiroo opened his mouth to spik but Daishou quickly singaled him to be quiet.

He somehow got out of Kuroos greep and got out of the bed. Thank God Kuroo is a heavy sleeper so he only stirred a little but didn't wake up. He took Aurora and walked boys out of the room, gently closing the door later.

As Daishou got out of bed he took Aurora and the boys to his room - "What are you idiots doing here?" He asked as they entered his room. "Well you didn't meet us to go to school nor answer your phone so we came to get you." Hiroo said. "But I think you owe us an explanation for this. What is Kuroo doing in your house and why are you cuddling?" He added

"What do you meen meet with you for school?" Daishou asked - "Dude it's almost 7 a.m." Numai said. Daishou's eyes widened - "What!?" He whispered-yelled and looked at the clock. When he saw the time he started getting ready for school quickly, running around his room, putting on clothes and putting books in his bag at the same time.

"I'll tell you on the way to school!" Daishou yelled from the bathroom. He got ready in about 10 minutes and while he was getting ready fis friends were making him breakfast.

"Hey Kuroo." Daishou said softly and lightly shook Kuroo. Kuroo slightly opened his eyes and looked up at Daishou - "Hm?" He hemmed, still not fully awake - "I'm going to school, when you wake up again make yourself something to eat and just stay home today." Daishou said. Kuroo nodded - "Okay."

"I'm looking at the house and I'll leave spare keys by the door." Kuroo nodded and as Daishou stopped talking he slowly drifted back to sleep. Daishou covered him with a blanket and left the room.

After that he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, he stopped at the entrance and looked at his friends, 'This is going to be a long day.' Daishou thought. 

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