New Family

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<< Daishou pov >>

I was really worried when I saw Kuroo in the hallway in the middle of the night. Circles under his eyes were darker than before and his eyes were red and puffy.

I always wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and I truly hated it. I always barely have the energy and will to get up out of the bed. I was literally half awake and my eyes were almost closed but Kuroo looked wide awake but tired at the same time.

When I can't sleep for whatever reason I sleep with Aurora, she is an African Ball Python. She is really sweet and always gives me comfort and helps me sleep so I thought she would help him too, I hoped she would .

After that I went to my room but couldn't fall asleep and listened to shuffling in the guest room. When it died down I finally closed my eyes.

<< Kuroo pov >>

Aurora really helped me, I was thankful to Daishou because if he didn't give me her I probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all, again.

I slept soundly until Aurora started moving around alot and tickling me on the neck. I sat up and looked at the clock, 8:04 a.m.

Pretty early for Sunday but, oh well. Aurora wrapped around my upper arm and shoulder as I got up from the bed and started walking downstairs.

As I walked through the house I could smell something being cooked. I smiled a little and walked into the kitchen.

Daishou's dad was sitting at the table. He was wearing a suit and reading some papers while drinking coffee and Daishou's mom was in the kitchen finishing cooking. "Good morning." I said - "Good mor - oh you have Aurora! Did you have trouble sleeping?" Dasihou's mom turned to me with a smile but her expression changed to a look of concern when she saw Aurora on my arm.

Daishou's dad also looked up at me - "Yes, but don't worry I fell asleep easily with Aurora and slept pretty good so I'm not tired." I reassured them. "Okay, sit down. Breakfast will be done in a minute." I nodded and sat at the same place I did yesterday night.

"Suguru! Get your lazy ass out of your bed and come for breakfast! NOW!" Daishou's dad yelled - "It's fucking 8 a.m. on a Saturday! Why did you wake me up!?" Daishou shouted from upstairs and soon I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I laughed a little and Daishou's mom coucheled as she set food on the table and sat beside her husband.

Soon Daishou came into the room.

His hair was messy and sticking in all directions, his eyes were half closed, he was wearing only shorts so his torso was on full display. And I was inwardly drooling over his abs and arms, well until I saw a big ass snake wrapped around him!

Snake was beige with brown patterns all over its body and also the head. Its eyes were dark and mouth hanging open, showing 2 white, rather long, fangs.

The snake was wrapped around his right leg, around his stomach and chest and his neck, reading his head on haishous neck.

I immediately took a few steps back - "Hahaha, You have Aurora wrapped around your arm but stepping back from IME." Daishou laughed and sat at the table. "Aurora is small and harmless! That is big and dangerous!" I said.

Daishou's parents laughed - "He is not dangerous. He's actually really friendly and well tamed so you don't have to be scared of him. Though I can blame you, he does look scary at first glance and all of Suguru's friends are scared of him." His mom said.

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