Engagement Night

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It was a Saturday night, Jen and I were alone at home. So we had dinner, talked and laughed a lot and then watched a movie in the living room. Just me and my girl enjoying the day together the way we like.


It was late at night, we get ready to sleep. She invites me to get in the bath with her and obviously I didn't refuse my girl but I said I would join her in a few minutes. She said okay and then heads to our room undressing, exposing her beautiful body to me.. teasing me! And she knows exactly what she was doing.
I've been preparing for this big moment for a few months now, but I still needed a special moment, a unique moment, not a special date or something planned in terms of decoration, party or some relatives gathered. Nope, that was not the case.
That's when I felt like it would be in that moment where she was in her favorite place just relaxing her body, her mind, her soul.
I confess I was a little nervous, but I was happy and excited. The ring is beautiful and this time I chose the green color. The green color is linked to renewal, rebirth, growth. It symbolizes luck, even in love! An intense and unique color in the world of gemstones. And I know it's her favorite color, so I'm sure she'll love it!


I went up to our room, took off my shirt and was left with just my jeans. I head for the bathroom door when I see her totally naked just covered with the foam water and some red petals. She was so beautiful.
Immediately my heart races and I smile. I couldn't believe I was about to propose to the woman I love so much in marriage (again) after 20 years.


I then approach her and start telling her the most beautiful and romantic things that she will never forget. I immediately see a tear fall from her beautiful eyes that were shining like a diamond, her smile was the widest and the most beautiful.
I hold her in my hands and lift her out of the tub and kneel down, showing her that big shiny rock and ask her "will you marry me?". Until this moment she was speechless, she couldn't believe what was happening because I really caught her off guard. She was so emotional she could barely speak, she was smiling so big! I love her smile so much.

"Is that a yes?" - I said
"YES, of course that's a YES!" - she smiles and tears coming down her face.

I put the ring on her finger and kissed and hugged her tight.

"Oh my God, I love you so much baby" - she says happily
"I love you more, my love! You're my everything" - I said

She looks deeply into my eyes and I do the same. We spent a few seconds looking at each other. We smile and I immediately press her still wet body against mine and hold her tightly around her waist. That made her let out a low moan. I then kiss her passionately, with one hand on her waist and the other on her neck, finding her tongue dominating it completely. She wraps her arms around my broad shoulders and her hands roam through my slightly graying hair.


To taste his delicate kisses, taste his lips, feel the heat of his skin, it makes my body bow to the pleasure and the softness of his touch. I feel his tender and light movements, driving me crazy, leaving me in ecstasy for few seconds.
I love him, I love his smile, his smell, his way, the taste of his kiss, I love the way he looks at me, the way he hugs me, the way he makes me happy, the way he makes me truly smile. I'm feeling so incredibly happy and whole.


We're kissing, our tongues are crossing in a slow rhythm with tenderness. I grabbed his hand and tangled it in my hair, which I let loose after remembering that he loves it.

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