Wedding Night - Vegas

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I stopped in front of the mirror and admired my white dress, I felt as beautiful as a princess out of a fairy tale. Joy and excitement were written all over my face. My heart beating out of my chest to finally find the love of my life at the end of the aisle. I ran my hands over the fabric of the dress once more, trying to convince myself that it wasn't a more than perfect dream but reality.


"The groom may kiss the bride" - says the wedding officiant at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.

"The groom may kiss the bride" - says the wedding officiant at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas

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We did it. Love is beautiful. Love is kind. And it turns out love is patient. Twenty years patient.
Exactly what we wanted. We flew to Vegas, stood in line for a license with four other couples, all making the same journey to the wedding capital of the world. All of us wanting the same thing— for the world to recognize us as partners and to declare our love to the world through the ancient and nearly universal symbol of marriage. We barely made it to the little white wedding chapel by midnight. They graciously stayed open late a few minutes and let us take pictures in a pink Cadillac convertible.
So with the best witnesses you could ever imagine, a dress from an old movie and a jacket from Ben's closet, we read our own vows in the little chapel and gave one another the rings we'll wear for the rest of our lives. They even had Bluetooth for a (short) march down the aisle. But in the end it was the best possible wedding we could have imagined.


We're now flying back home to Los Angeles.

"I still can't believe we're finally married." - I said to Ben, staring into his eyes that sparkled with happiness.

"You don't realize how grateful and happy I am for everything, my love." - He didn't know, but I could see it in his eyes. - "I love you, Jennifer."

"I love you, my dear husband." - We kissed.

When love is real, the only thing that matters in marriage is one another and the promise we make to love, care, understand, be patient, loving and good to one another. We had that. And so much more. Best night of our lives.


We got home it was late at night, Cy and Sera went to their room, they were tired. The other kids hadn't gone with us, so they weren't home tonight.
Ben and I were certainly tired too. I spent the day rehearsing in the dance studio until 6pm and Ben was busy with meetings in his office, but obviously that wouldn't stop us from celebrating our very special moment, our first night as husband and wife.

We're walking to our room.. I start to tease him with playful kisses between smiles, my hands roam over his chest and I take off his jacket and start to unbutton the buttons on his shirt when I feel his hands pulling me into an intense kiss I stop him.

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