Pool Day

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It's Friday, Jen and I are packing for a little vacation not far from Los Angeles.
We arrived at the place around 4pm, the day was sunny and hot so our bodies automatically asked for a swim in the pool right away. We dressed in bathing suits and went to the pool of this beautiful house. The day was perfect, full of laughter, chatter, and splashes. Just the two of us.


I jump in the pool first and seconds later I see the love of my life stripping off her swim cover-up, revealing her sexy, toned body. She spreads the sunscreen on her beautiful body, teasing me and making me want to feel her kiss and touch more than anything else. She then jumps into the pool splashing at me. I defend myself and then hop in and start splashing back at her giggling, we keep splashing at each other getting closer and closer once my within arms reach I stop and grab her pulling her close enough to where she could feel my breath tickle her skin. I couldn't resist, she looks so hot with that black bikini but she looks even hotter with nothing on.

I slide one hand down her bikini and start whispering dirty things in her ear. Reaching down I start to play with her clit back and forward rubbing and teasing at different places, knowing all her spots and hitting them on point. I continue like this for a bit and notice that she's all horny holding back faces and moans needing more. I stop and back away licking my fingers and giving her a faint smirk as if I hadn't done anything.

"Oh please, don't be such a teaser. I need you inside me, daddy" - She says as she turns to me biting her bottom lip.

I love when she calls me daddy!

"I'm nowhere near done with you, baby" - I say chuckle with a sly smirk.

I gently push her against the pool wall. I lean in and kiss her deeply. Both of us wet, our kiss was out of this world. Our tongues danced to a rhythm that electrified our bodies. I start kissing her neck, leaving a hickey or two of my mark. My hand travels up her back and I begin to undo her bikini top, untying it and tossing it to the side without a moment's hesitation. A cool breeze suddenly grazed her now exposed nipples. She lets out a small gasp as my mouth quickly wraps around one nipple, licking my tongue over it and sucking a little hard as I play with the other one in my hand, teasing around her pink, she squirms as she feels her breasts overcome with pleasure. I look up at her to read her face and smile giving her a little nibble before switching breasts and now touching the other while feasting on the second. After making sure both breasts are satisfied, I slowly start kissing her body. I dive down lower and lower into her stomach, taking my time as if every inch of her skin is mouth-watering candy.

I lift myself up from the bottom of the water catching my breath and then I turn her back to me, pulling her panties down. She lets out a small gasp and bite her lip in anticipation, knowing whats coming next and wanting it so badly but I make her wait for it, giving her kisses up her neck and planting my hands on her ass. Jennifer continues to moan softly and try not to fall from the sheer pleasure her knees nearly buckle as she feel my fingers squirm inside her reaching deep. I start by adding a finger there moving it in and out as well as taking my free hand to start rubbing her clit, she throws her head back in pure pleasure. Accelerating my pace in no time I feel her coming to her climax.

"Oh my g... I'm so close and I need it so bad, please baby"  - She begs

I squeeze her ass tightly before pulling my fingers deep and hitting her g-spot making her come instantly. A whole agressive spasm takes over her body and then relaxes as she tries to recover her breathing, panting hard.

"Damn, you're so good." - She says breathless

Jennifer turns towards me and between kisses I introduce my member inside her and start thrusting my dick in hard. The sound of our wet bodies slamming together was unheard of over the water but the chorus of my little grunts moans and her cries of pleasure was audible. We didn't care how loud we were or if the neighbors could hear us, we just kept going.

"Fuck I'm close" - I growl as I lift her onto my lap and bring her knees around my waist, holding her as I continue to thrust into her, hitting a whole new spot and sending new groans out of her throat.

The thrusts increase, getting closer and closer to our climax. I let go, and she feels my hot cum coming off my cock in time with her pulse. She feels it fills her to the brim. I keep my position there before setting her down and leaving, breathing hard.

"This was fucking amazing" - We say together as we kiss one more time and catch our breath

We got out of the pool and lay on the sun loungers.
The sperm starts slowly dripping from her pussy as she lie there, unable to move. Completely useless legs. I clean her up and let her relax. We enjoyed each other's company and letting our bodies merge in an embrace. We talked, laughed, kissed and enjoyed every second of this day. As soon as it started to get dark, I took her in my arms and we went inside to take a shower and get ready to go out for dinner.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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