"Shoelaces again?"

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"So your telling me your eighteen and still don't know how to tie your shoelaces?""Maybe

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"So your telling me your eighteen and still don't know how to tie your shoelaces?"

I knelt down on both of my knees and started doing Steve's shoelaces for him. As I pulled myself back up I flipped him off and started walking through the woods with the rest of the kids that Steve pulled along with us.

I didn't even know what we were looking for to be honest. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and once I turned around it was Steve standing behind me.

"What is it now?"
"My uh..shoelaces came undone again."

"Fucking hell Steve."

I knelt down once again and started doing up his shoelaces, again! After I had finished I walked ahead of him but was instantly pulled back by Steve joining hands with me and tightening his grip.

"Steve your hurting me..
"Shit sorry."

Steve looked down at our hands and let go of me slightly so he wasn't holding me that tight and hen giving me a faint smile. A few moments later Dustin came over to talk to Steve so I let go of his hands and walked away slightly beforeeee getting tapped on the shoulder again.

"Shoelaces again?"
"Yep..Sorry y/n."

"It's fine, learn how to do them."
"well maybe I like seeing you down their."

"Shut it Harrington."

I snapped back at Steve but then giving him a peck on the lips before walking away.

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