Part 11: Crimson And Clover

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A couple days after Milo incriminated himself in probably one of the town's biggest cases, let alone murder cases, nothing much had seemed to happen yet. He'd known from Ani mentioning it multiple times in the past that evidence is usually checked for DNA or fingerprints or whatever more than once if it's for an important case but Milo obviously didn't know how regularly the checks would be. He was hoping for straightaway but that just seemed a bit naive. Milo was arriving at college and as soon as he was stepping off the bus he was being bombarded with questions from Danny.

"How's it going with thinking of something? Have you got anything yet? Cassie has been in jail for over forty-eight hours now, do you know how fucked that is?" Asked Danny as they walked towards the college building. "Milo, are you listening to me?"

"Careful Danny, we wouldn't want any of your friends to see us talking" answered Milo, not even looking at Danny.

"Milo, she's one of your best friends and you're not doing anything to help her" said Danny.

"Right, listen up. You do not have to tell me that Cassie is one of my best friends, obviously I already fucking know that and also, I am doing something to try and help her. In fact, I've already done it" replied Milo, turning to Danny and speaking harshly. "I understand that you're sad your friend is dead and I get that you're angry at me, you might even hate me, that's completely justified. However, do not fucking tell me I'm not doing anything to help literally one of the only people I care about because I am doing everything I can to help Cassie."

"What's going on here?" Wondered Ani as she walked up to them, seeing that Milo and Danny were having some sort of stand off.

"Nothing" responded Danny, backing off. "We were just talking about Cassie."

"What about Cassie? Did something happen?" Said Ani, concerned.

"No, she's fine" replied Danny. "Well, you know, as fine as she can be."

"Oh ok, that's good" said Ani, relieved and then seeing a police car pull up in front of the college. "Oh god, what do they want now?"

"More like who do they want now?" Corrected Danny, both of them looking worried.

"Hopefully me" said Milo, glancing over at them.

"Milo what do you mean? What did you do?" Replied Ani, panicking.

"Everything we'll be fine" said Milo, smiling as the police officers reached him.

"Are you Milo Bellamy?" Asked one of the officers.

"I am and I think you already know that since you're the same officers that took me in for questioning that first time" answered Milo.

"You need to come down to the station with us" said the second officer, ignoring what Milo said.

"Okay, sure thing" replied Milo, maybe being a little too enthusiastic.

Danny and Ani watched as Milo was led away by the police officers and over to the car, where he was very quickly shoved into the back. Just like when Cassie was arrested, everyone watched in shock as another classmate in under a week was taken to the police station, quickly moving on though after the police car had disappeared out of view. The two of them just stood there as a second member of their group was taken. Slowly but surely they were all being caught.

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Milo was once again sat in the same interrogation room he had been in the first time he was here getting questioned. It shouldn't have been but it was oddly comforting knowing his surroundings at this point. The slightly cracked stone walls, the two-way mirror that definitely needed cleaning of handprints, the subtle scratches from people's fingernails on the cold metal table, the uncomfortable chair that squeaked every time Milo made even the smallest of movements. Then there was that all to familiar sound of someone making their way down the corridor outside followed by the sudden noise the door made when it was pushed open. And also just like before, Ani's dad was the person questioning Milo. Well, attempting to anyway.

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