Part 14: Game Of Survival

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Getting some rest was probably one of the best ideas they'd come up with since all of this started. Milo was incredibly tired, barely getting any sleep when they actually had time to. To be fair, there was a lot going in inside Milo's head and he was dealing with a lot as well. Some of that stuff was his fault but it was still more than enough. After leaving Danny's beach house and almost reaching the black car, everyone went their separate ways. Milo was walking down the street that led to his house, taking in the last bit of sunlight there was going to be today and feeling the cool breeze brush past his tired and dry skin. Most the moisture from his body being pushed out when he was sweating across town earlier. He was actually excited to get home for once. Excited to walk past his parents that were so useless they might as well not be his parents, climb the stairs up to his bedroom and finally wipe out on the bed, drifting off into a world where there wasn't a constant threat of being hunted down by rich people or taken to prison. However, Milo would have to wait just a little longer for that sweet relief. He was about three houses away from his own home when he spotted it, a police car parked out front. Milo slowly walked closer and saw that two officers, one actually being chief Amari, were knocking on the front door. This looked serious and Milo instantly knew what they might be here for.

"Fuck" sighed Milo, rolling his eyes and then turning into his neighbor's front garden so he could somehow get to the back of his house. All the while his parents were finally opening the front door.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Bellamy" said chief Amari, a fake kind voice evident. "Is Milo Bellamy home?"

"Who?" Questioned Milo's mum slowly.

"Milo Bellamy... your son" responded chief Amari, slightly confused and obviously checking the house number he had on his notepad. "I'm sorry, are you the Bellamys?"

"We are" said Milo's dad.

"And does someone called Milo Bellamy live here?" Asked chief Amari, squinting his eyes.

"He does" answered Milo's dad, both him and Milo's mum suddenly changing tune. "Oh, you mean that son... no he isn't home."

"Alright, great. May we come in" said chief Amari, rolling his eyes and pretty much pushing past Milo's parents after turning to the other officer and saying "Put out an APB to find Milo Bellamy. I want him found and taken to the police station."

Milo silently cursed to himself because for some reason he just couldn't get a break. Milo carried on into next door's front garden and made his way along the fence. Luckily there was a small passage that led into the back garden which meant Milo wouldn't have to go onto his property just yet. When he reached the back of the house, Milo slowly peered over the fence and looked at the back of his house, watching as his parents and the police walked into the kitchen and started talking about something. Chief Amari was no doubt informing Milo's parents of everything Milo had been up to or had supposedly been up to these past few weeks. Milo wasn't too concerned with that though since his parents didn't really care about much let alone him.

When it seemed safe to do so Milo climbed over the fence and then quickly moved over to the side of his house, sliding along the edge until he reached the trellis going up the side to the first floor. Milo took a deep breathe and then slowly but surely he started climbing, hoping it wouldn't break and send him hurtling towards the ground. Luckily there was a small ledge at the top which meant Milo could somewhat crawl across safely until he reached his bedroom window. It was closed but there weren't any locks or anything so Milo was able to shift it open rather quickly. Making sure to move it slowly just in case the hinges squeaked, Milo pushed the window up as far as he needed to to make room for himself to climb inside.

Once there was enough space Milo entered his bedroom, knowing where the floorboards creaked from years of standing on them and doing his very best to avoid them. Milo walked across his room to his bed and then lifted the mattress, sliding his hand under until he felt the handle of the gun. As he was pulling it out and tucking it into the waistband of his trousers, Milo heard the sound of people coming upstairs. It wasn't a surprise that they were going to search his bedroom first and it was even less of a surprise that his parents let the police do it. However, that didn't matter to Milo though because by the time the police were pretty much breaking open the door to his bedroom, he had already climbed back out the window and back down the trellis. He didn't waste time with closing the window and thank god he didn't because Milo only managed to duck behind the fence again just as chief Amari was sticking his head out the window and looking around to make sure nothing was off. Milo let out a breathe of relief and then started his journey as far away from his house as possible just as about three more police cars pulled up.

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