Part 16: Trouble

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Milo and Cassie had been running and jogging and walking for about half an hour and they were finally arriving back in town. Lover's lookout was quite close to the each of town and it had felt like they had been driving rather fast. Apparently they hadn't though since they weren't that far into the woods. I guess being a car whilst having a bag over your head makes you feel like you're traveling at supersonic speeds. They ran past the high streets, by the college, through the alleys, down the side streets, and finally they were entering the more residential area of the town. Well, they were entering the poorer residential area of the town. The place where all of them except Danny lived. On their journey, they had come into contact with large groups of people yelling things and mentioning things about some sort of hunt. Neither of them had any idea what was going on and they couldn't check either because their phones had been broken in the crash. It didn't matter right now though because their main goal was to get somewhere safe and right now that was Milo's house because it was the closest, both of them hoping the police had gotten everything they needed and were no longer there.

"I still can't believe you stabbed that guy" said Cassie as the rounded the street corner onto Milo's road. "Like you actually stuck a pen, an actual god damn pen, through his hand."

"Yep, I remember" replied Milo, recalling what it had felt like.

"I know that they kidnapped us and all that but do you think they're going to be alright?" Wondered Cassie, biting her lip.

"Not our main concern but yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine" responded Milo.

"Really? Because the driver was still unconscious when we left and surely that can't be good for his brain" said Cassie, thinking. "And the second guy wasn't too bad but now he has a hole in his hand which appeared to be bleeding quite a bit."

"What the fuck?" Questioned Milo when his house came into view. They both stopped walking when they saw the mob of people out the front of his house, the police also still being there and not doing anything to stop the yelling. They both ducked behind a nearby car quickly. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Is all this for you?" Responded Cassie, looking around to make sure no one saw them.

"I guess so" said Milo, trying to hear what people were shouting.

"Oh my god, the gangs of people in town as well" replied Cassie, realising. "Could they have been for you as well?"

"Everyone in town thinks I killed Ryan" said Milo, instantly noticing what he said. "And yes, I know technically I did actually kill him but there's no way for them to know that for certain."

"Well your house is a no go then" replied Cassie, swallowing hard. "Where can we go?"

"I think I know somewhere" said Milo, sighing and then pointing to an alleyway directly opposite them across the street. "Quickly. That way."

They both checked to make sure it was safe to move before they quickly ran across to the safety of the alleyway one at a time. Even as they moved further into the darkness and away from Milo's house, the shouting from the crowd that had formed outside was still extremely audible. It was clear the longer this went on for, the more people that were going to start looking for him. And who knows what they were going to do with him if they caught him. This was no longer a capture, arrest, send to trial, and then prison case. This was starting to seem more like a good old fashioned witch hunt.

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

After leaving Ani's house earlier, Danny went straight back home just in case any of his friends turned up and started wondering where he was. His parents still weren't home which was either a good thing or a bad thing. It could be good because they weren't stopping him from doing anything but it could be bad because they might be out there trying to hunt down Milo as well. To be honest though, Danny didn't really know what he could be doing that his parents might try and stop. He couldn't really leave his house again because then he'd been seen as suspicious, he couldn't join the hunt for Milo because then none of the others would trusts him anymore, but he also couldn't just sit around his house alone and doing nothing because otherwise he'd go insane from over thinking everything. So, in the end Danny decided to go for a shower because they usually helped him clear his head if not help him think more clearly. It was always one or the other and they'd both be quite useful right now.

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