Part 12: Untraviolence

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*The Day Of Ryan's Death*

Charlie had been woken up very early by his dad, not that dissimilar from how Danny had been woken up on the first day of college. They had been planning on going hunting together in the woods for quite some time now, it was something they enjoyed doing ever since Charlie's family came into a lot of money. However, they hadn't a chance yet because college had just started again and Charlie had been having all that tutoring from Milo. Somehow they were blaming Milo for this as well. Sure, Charlie was a little disappointed her couldn't attend Ryan's halloween party but overall it didn't matter, Ryan would be having one every year so missing just one wasn't going to mean much. Charlie hopped out of bed and instantly climbed into the shower, cleaning himself very quickly and not very efficiently. He was going to be wandering around the dirty woods in a bit anyway. After his shower Charlie put on some thin clothing because downstairs was all the gear they were going to be wearing whilst hunting and it was rather thick.

They knew some people hating the idea of hunting and they also knew those same people would hate them for doing it. They didn't care though. Charlie's dad just assuming it was because those people couldn't afford to go hunting. Charlie knew better than his dad and knew the real reason was that those people just didn't want to see innocent animals dying. Charlie understood this and could see where they were coming from, however, he enjoyed it so he was going to carry on doing it. So, there they both were, stood in the middle of the woods in the forest that was pretty much surrounding the small town on all sides. Most of it was technically off limits to hunters but with a little flash of cash here and a good word there, most the time they got away with it. Charlie's dad had been noticing though that Charlie was becoming more and more distracted the further they traveled.

"You're not going to catch anything if you keep staring off into the distance like that" said his dad, looking serious.

"Right, sorry. It's just, did we have to go past Ryan's house?" Replied Charlie. "You know, where the halloween party happened that I actually would have enjoyed going to."

"It's where all the best catches are" said his dad, shrugging his shoulders.

"Sure" replied Charlie, rolling his eyes as they carried on walking.

"You know this is going to be a lot more fun if you aren't moaning and groaning all the time" said his dad, really focusing on the bushy areas in front of them.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying myself" replied Charlie. "But there are better times to do things like this."

"So you want to go home then, is that it?" Questioned his dad, standing up straight and raising his voice.

"No dad, that's not what I said" responded Charlie, sighing. Luckily the argument that was about to start was interupted but the sound of a gunshot. "What was that? I mean... I know what that was but where did it come from?"

"I bet it's that asshole Murray from next door" said his dad, angry. "I told him we were going hunting this morning and he looked a little too excited about the idea of it."

"But how would he know which exact area we're in?" Wondered Charlie, raising an eyebrow.

"Like I said, this is where the best catches are" responded his dad. "Now go look for him and tell him to bugger off before he scares everything away."

"Why do I have to?" Said Charlie, slouching in defeat.

"Because obviously you aren't going to shoot anything" replied his dad. "You go deal with him and I'll catch us some food."

"Fine" said Charlie, rolling his eyes and walking a from his dad, further into the foliage.

The more distance that grew between himself and his father, the closer Charlie got to the back of Ryan's house. The thought had crossed his mind to maybe climb over the fence and hang out with his friends for a bit but then he would have to deal with his dad's anger later and he really couldn't be bothered with that. So he just carried on walking, trying to keep an eye out for someone that was probably Murray and also trying not to get accidentally shot by this person that could be Murray. Maybe the gunshot had come from Murray or maybe it hadn't, that didn't matter though because the thing that caught Charlie's eye was two people appearing over someone's fence and then running through the trees. A flash of ginger and a patterned dress and Charlie instantly knew who it was.

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