Part 15: Born To Die

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Their faces were starting to get sweaty from their own breathe not being able to travel far enough away, the bags over their heads blocking its path. It wasn't helping that they were breathing a lot more as well, not being able to calm themselves because by this point not only was their situation scary but also they were becoming quite claustrophobic. Their wrists had been bound as well, the edges of the zip-ties digging into the skin and damaging the flesh. At one point Milo heard Cassie sniff a couple times in a row and he wondered if she was crying but trying to hold it in. Should he be crying too? He wasn't sure. Milo knew this wasn't ideal but he also knew deep down this wasn't where his story ended. It also wasn't where Cassie's story ended. Not long after they'd met Milo knew that despite everything Cassie was one day going to meet someone that really loved and appreciated her and they were going to have a family and grow old together. Sometimes when Milo thought about it he was there as well. Sometimes he was the crazy uncle that appeared with gifts from time to time, other times he was the babysitter for when Cassie wanted to have a date night with her husband, and occasionally Milo was there because he needed Cassie to help comfort him and make sure he didn't do anything stupid. No matter what scenario though Milo was always alone, never having someone by his side of his own. For some reason Milo knew Cassie deserved love and happiness but he wasn't sure if he deserved it himself. In times like these, though hopefully they won't happen often, it's always good to think about the ones you love. However, there are also more useful things to be thinking about like that video that had been randomly recommended to Milo one time about how to escape a situation not to dissimilar from this one.

Milo had also thought of this video when he first heard whoever it was that had taken them putting the zip-tie on Cassie. In the video, the person made sure to put their hands together almost like they were making two fists and checking how big their brain was. That way, once you unbend you fingers, there's a little bit of room between your wrist and you can gradually cause friction by slightly moving your wrists. Milo didn't know how long it was supposed to take but he thought the sooner he started the better. He didn't have any idea what he was going to do once and if the zip-tie did break but that was a problem for later. Right now, Milo had one goal and he was determined to score it.

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Ever since the news broke that the police are searching for Milo as a suspect of Ryan's murder and Charlie's disappearance, all of Danny's friends have been talking about it none stop. It didn't take long for all of them to start arranging a manhunt and then leave Danny's house. He was worried about them leaving and going out there but also he was mainly concerned about them capturing Milo. They asked if he was coming with them and he said he'd meet them later whenever the thing was actually happening so that he could get some stuff together. Obviously that was a lie and he was going to try and get into contact with any of the others. As soon as all of Danny's friends left he quickly put on his shoes and left as well. Luckily his parents weren't home, too busy comforting Ryan's and Charlie's parents, because otherwise they probably would have stopped him from going out just in case something happened to him as well.

The first stop Danny made was at Milo's house, hoping the police activity would have died down a bit before he got there. He was wrong though. The police were still swarming the place. Guarding every entrance and having a constant flow of officers going in and out so they could confiscate more things as evidence. Danny couldn't understand why one of Milo's pillows was classed as evidence but surely there had to be a reason. I mean, hopefully they weren't just bagging things in a last ditch effort to find anything incriminating. Danny obviously didn't know if the police had already caught Milo or not since that information wasn't online and everyone was just assuming he was still out and about. Danny's next stop was Ani's house because he guess the others would be there since her dad was currently trying to find Milo as well. By this point the sun had completely set and all the streetlights were coming on. Technically it was still only about half 6 but because of the time of year the days were much shorter. So when Danny arrived at Ani's house he tried not to seem too creepy in case she thought it was someone trying to break in. He glanced around to make sure no one he knew was around and then knocked.

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