Chapter Two - A menial place

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-18 Months later-

"Gracie Lou, time to get up darling." I groaned and slipped out of bed. Then I realised something.

"Mother?" I question well my adoptive Mom that is a long story. I walked out of my room just as she was walking back into the kitchen."What are you doing here..."

"I came to visit." she chimed as if it was nothing at all.

"Yeah, not until next, week. When I actually have the time off." I rebuff, still in a state of sleep and a little shock.

"That's this week."

"No, it's next week.

"I booked two weeks off." She smiled making breakfast I huffed not wanting to get into a conversation that would turn into a argument and went to get a shower. Drying my hair and getting ready for work I came back out.

"Oh honey couldn't you wear something more..." she trailed off with a look of disgust that she was trying to hide. She never did get me fully and she could never understand why I wasn't a girly girl doing girl things.

"I work for the treasury, It's smart and it's what I wear." I went to the freezer and pulled out a ready made bag of carrot, papaya and pineapple. I then poured tropical juice and the bag in.

"But it's so...." I switched the blender on and gave her smile she rolled her eyes and  folded her arms. It stopped

"You were saying?"

"You look lovely honey." she amended her statement.

"Awh thank you." I poured my smoothing and I got a energy bar. Fixing my badge and gun and kissed her cheek and left.


I pushed on my horn outside Mikey's house. After the Christmas accident the two of us had been transferred to the treasury. I got out and leaned against the car.

"Hey Leah." I smiled as she came out. I hugged her

"Hey Grace." she returned the hug and kissed my cheek.

"Grandpa, come on! Time is money." I called seeing his figure far in the hallway of the house.

"Your hilarious."

"I know that is why you love me." He kissed my head. I said my goodbyes to Leah and drove to the coffee shop.  The two of us sat with Lynne the secret service director and our former boss who likes us and even though she would rather die than admit it. Missed us.

"So how was your fourth?" she asked us

"Fourth what?" Mike replied

"Fourth of July don't be an ass." I snorted in amusment

"This is Mike we're talking about, he's the definition of an ass." he kicked my leg and I grunted

"Didn't Daddy tell you it's not nice to hit girls." I slap him upside the head.

"Well?" Lynne questioned not looking up from her paper, it had become a new little thing, a few times a month that we would meet up with her in the local coffee shop that Secret Service frequented.

"It's was quiet. . You know we stayed in." I raised an eyebrow


"Okay I stayed in she went out." That more like the Mike I know.

"I'm not surprised" Lynne drawled as I snickered

"Good Morning." "Morning Director." I saw Roma and O'neil.

"Jack." I stood and hugged O'Neil.

"Hey Grace."

"Bobby. How's the kids?" then I went to Roma. I had missed seeing them, we were all like a family and the only one's who really got each other and the work we did and all that it entailed. It's not something you could explain to civilian family members.

"They're good. Cassie still wants to see her god mother."

"Well as soon as I wave excitedly off to my own I'll come see them." I sat back down

"So we missed you from poker, last week. " they turned the conversation to Mike as I sat back down and had a sip of my coffee.

"Missed taking your Money." Jack added

"Please, I wipe ya'll out I got crazy skills and ya know it." I stick my tongue out at them.

"Yeah, non stop action over there at the treasury." My gosh he was full of bullshit.

"You gotta do what you gotta do right?"

"Yeah, you got a big gig though right, you got the Koreans coming in ?" I asked taking the attention off him.

"Meh, Business as usual. In fact someone I wanna introduce you to someone. Agent Jones you've heard of Mike Banning and Grace Carter haven't you?"

"Yeah, the man that told the speaker of the house to go fuck himself and the woman who took her trousers down to the general and said kiss this."  I choked on my coffee as he realised what he said in front of the director.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Lynne closed and folded her paper addressing the men, wh gave a wtf look to the new guy.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Oh, Roma." I handed him a pack of baseball cards. "For Connor."

"I'll make sure I give them to him." I nodded as they all left. I looked back as they all got into the black SUV. I sighed

"Not getting any easier is it."

"No. I want back in, desk job is killing me." Mike groaned in frustration

"Speak for yourself. If have to restrain myself from another perv colleague  I might burst." I huff dropping the cup slightly back onto the table, making it slosh a little.

"Mike, Grace. Everybody knows that you did the right thing and tried your hardest on that bridge. Hell even the President knows. He just doesn't want to see you two and be reminded of it every day. Especially the woman who was so close to his wife. He never even stopped to grieve properly. Just give it some time."

"How's Connor." Mike asked

"President's son. Misses his Mom, hell of a kid. Misses his buddies though." I smiled softly

"He's a good kid. Is he still sneaking round the White house making everyone crazy?"

"Oh, I wonder who taught him that." She gave me a pointed glance,  I smirk at Lynne

"Well I try. I need more coffee." I stood up as the two continued to talk. I looked at the TV as it was talking about the visit of the South Korean Prime Minister. I stopped and looked around. There it was again something that wasn't right.

"See ya. Grace." Lynne called as she made hr way to leave.

"Bye Lynne." I smiled and went back to that table.

"You got that look again." I turned my head to him.

"What look?"

"The look where you think shit is going to go down." he replied with a concerned gaze of his own.

I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Don't start."

"I'm not, after that night I believe in your sixth sense shit." I stomped on his foot. "You know what I mean. What is it."

"How many times do I have to tell you. I don't know I'm not psychic. It's just a feeling."

"Then what's your feeling?" I turn back towards the TV and then back at him.

"Bad, very Bad." I finished my coffee and we left for work. I got into the car and started up the engine. Mike called Leah.

"Hey. Just checking in. Listen I'll call you later." When we got into work we went to our respective places. Sighing I trudged through boring paperwork.

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