Chapter Nine - Love between two people

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It is one thing to be married to a President but to date one while he's in office, is complicated. Personally it was weird a first, dating a siting President and being involved in his detail. Which is why when he made things official I was moved yet again, but this time it stung less. Admittedly it was strange being close to him in a different way.  Sixteen months after the terror attack things took a even more serious turn.


I laughed as we came to stand on top of the Eiffle Tower, looking out over the whole city of Paris at night. It was so beautiful, I gasped lovingly at the sight. It was something that I had wanted to see for years but never had gotten the chance to. Ben slipped his arm around my waist.

"It's beautiful." I breathed "But, what are we doing here?" I wondered. Not that I wasn't happy, but he was here in Paris for a conference and being still in touch with the way Secret Service works, I didn't see a private trip here on the itinerary.

"Well, you have mentioned that you always wanted to see Paris at night from the top of the Eiffel Tower." he wasn't wrong there, we had many dates and stolen moments where I'm sure Paris got brought up a lot. I glanced around, It was early evening and by right there should still be a crowd of people here.

"Did you use your presidential status to clear the deck?" I questioned coyly.


"Okay, you broke off during a work trip to bring me to the top of the Eiffle tower because..." I trailed off. One thing we made clear at the beginning of our relationship is that it wouldn't interfere with work. I didn't want to be a distraction. Not when he only had so long left to do as much as he could. He cleared his throat.

"I wanted to thank you, for everything." he turned me around to face him still holding onto my waist. "Look, I know that I pushed both you and Mike away after the Christmas accident. But I am very grateful for you saving not only my life but Connor's on both occasions."

"It was a joint effort."

"I know but you in particular saved me in more ways than one. I realised so many things, that not only did I push you away, but  also that I didn't really grieve in a way that I was able to move on and better myself. In a way you made me remember that its something Maggie would never have wanted. I never would have thought I could love someone else after her, yet I did even though it took me a moment. I love you Grace. Which is why...." he took a step back  and got down on one knee.

"Grace, will you marry me?" he took the ring out of his pocket

"Shut the fuck up." I covered my mouth "Sorry reflex." I apologised to his chuckles.

"Yes...Yes I will marry you." he slipped it onto my finger and stood up and slipped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around him bringing him into a kiss.


In the restored Lincoln bedroom, I stood in front of the full length mirror in front of the full length mirror, examining myself. Everything felt hyper real. I protected, then dated and was now marrying a sitting President of the United States. I smoothed out my dress  when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." the door opened and In stepped Mike, he was in a tux and was not officially apart of the detail today, he had the duty of walking me down the aisle. But as us agents know, you're never really off duty.

"You look beautiful, Gracie." he complimented

"Really because I would feel more comfortable in pants and a top with boots right now." he chuckled, shaking his head "It feels a little weird, I'm used to being the protector not the protected. After today, I'm the second First Lady of the United States, with a code name a protection plan, my life changes completely. I'm not prepared for this." I begin to freak out a little.

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