Chapter Four - Warzone

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Holding our guns up we shot down hostiles. We ran ahead and to the tree line where we took more shots, the two of us covering the other. One caught sight of me and took a few shots before I came out and shot him in the head.  Mike signalled to go further on. But he stopped me.

"woman Sharp shooter 70 yards." I nodded and aimed then pulled the trigger. I stood panting behind a tree as I changed the the magazine, that I had but hadn't used in a while.

"Ready? Mike asked me. I nodded.

"Ready." We came out and I shot two making my way closer to the front door. I saw Stevenn injured but still fighting. I grabbed him.

"Hey stranger."

"Gracie." We ducked behind the wall.

"Did you really have to go all out just to ask us to come back." I rolled my eyes in attempt to ease his situation. Gallows humour.

"You know me, Carson. Can't get enough of ya." I looked at the side of me and saw Tim with a neck shot. I put pressure  on his neck.

"Come on Tim, Come on hang in there." Mike muttered I felt his life go and looked up to Mike shaking my head. another body.

"Where's the president?" I asked one of the agents

"I don't know." he replied. The Gunfire continued as I checked how many bullets I had left. More agents came out of the house. I looked round the corner see them all ducking down.

"Shit, down, down down!" I yelled taking cover. It was a slaughter for the agents that had just come down ad the were going so fast. Mike pushed me down as we watched men and some women that we knew die. Mike let go to what else was coming.

"RPG!" I was pushed down back to the ground as it was set off at the main entrance to the house.  all but destroyed and anyone close to it.

"Get in! Get inside!" The two of us bolted in. I took a shot getting behind the door but one went down who was right behind us. I knelt down as Mike was stood taking more shots. Agent One went to run in but was shot."

"Come on!" I held out my hand and he took it but another round of Bullets killed him.

"No!" I yelled

"Gracie, Gracie we gotta go." I was pulled over the rubble and dead bodies up the stairs. We looked as Koreans stormed in shooting any survivors and shooting them just to make sure. I looked at my gun  was out of bullets.

"Shit." we ran up the stairs. We dodged them as they were walking around and when it was all clear we came out. I saw the corridor of dead bodies left.

"They're all dead." Mike muttered, I nodded in understanding but then turned to him after that moment was over.

"Yes and we're gonna mourn them once these assholes are dead. Now you need to be hard ass crazy Mike to get through this okay?"

"I'm not emotional. Grace." he sighed

"We're all emotional. compartmentalisation. Were at war." I started checking the bodies  as Mike shakes his head and followed.

"Roma's here." I walked over and knelt down to our fallen friend.

"Shit got personal." I muttered looking up at the security camera." We made our way to the security room. Mike held his hand up for me to wait. I nodded keeping alert. I heard grunting and looked in. Mike had stabbed a man. I walked in.

"You know I should feel sorry but he just brought it on himself." Mike took the enemy's gun and checked it as I made my way past him.

"Grace look" I turned around and he showed me a small picture of Connor. "It was in his pocket." he told me as my jaw clenched as well as my visits. He tucked the picture into his pocket while I  a extra gun and mags then punched the code into one of the hidden safes. In it was a device that would allow us to override the security system. I highly down they had gotten down to the nitty gritty of changing everything even though it had been 18 months.

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