Chapter Three - Attack on The Capitol

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I was around seven in the evening and the long day had be wearing on me. When I finally had enough and decided to go bug Mike. I grabbed a chair and sat next to him leaning my chin on the back.

"If I have to look at another lame ass report about shit which I think I'm over Qualified to look at, I might blow my brains out. " I drawl, blinking rapidly to clear my foggy perception.

"Hello to you two Grace." he looked at me.

"Hi, which is why I thought I would come over and amuse the both of us because it looked like you needed saving."

"Thanks." I bit into and apple.

"So my mother has come all the way from the other side of the country to annoy, I mean see me. Let's have dinner, you me, her and Leah. Please I beg you." He snorts.

"I'm serious. For two weeks I will have to endure tiding and  chirps of time to get up honey. There is a reason I went into the military and that was because compared to her it was a walk in the park. I stopped being able to deal with her at fourteen.

"She loves you."

"Oh I know she does, but I'm a strong kick ass woman, who dealt with war. Yet she still see's me as five year old who lost her parents. I haven't needed that in over 20 years..." I heard alarms and sirens.

"All units 999. I repeat all units 999" I snapped my head up to the code and went to the window.

"Mike. Bogey aircraft." He stood up and looked to where I was pointing. Giving a moment glance we ran out of there. Alarms blared as we legged it from the building and out onto the streets which were filled with Chaos.

"Gracie, stick with me." He grabbed my hand and we dodged the people.  Skidding to a stop we saw the airplane.

"It's heading this way. Everybody down. Get down!" I screamed running again. shoots fired from the enemy plane as we bent to avoid them. I was shoved behind a car from an explosion. I looked up and gulped.

"Stay down" I told the civilians as I was being pulled up. the gunfire caused more cars to exploded as we ran past other service men of the country trying to get their shots. I looked back and saw that the  top half of the Washington Monument collapsed as the aircraft went down. Everything became somewhat quiet as we stopped outside the gates of the whitehouse

"What the hell is going on?" Mike asked me as I ran a had through my hair, Seeing all the dead bodies of civilians and service people alike.

"I have no idea. But whatever it is, we have to make sure they're okay, detail or no detail." I replied

"Yeah." I swung my head around as another explosion went off.

"What the..." A bus had just blown up and set fire to a cop car. The remaining civilians ran of in a panic.

"Gray." Mike slapped my shoulder and pointed to the tourists that stayed while everyone ran away.

"Hey!" I called they looked like they were going to set something us so I got my gun out ready.

"Hey, get the fuck down." Mike yelled. He shot one and the other already set something off before my bullet got him. There was a loud bang which knocked me to the ground.

"Gracie, Gracie." a loud ringing muffled my friends worried voice.

"Fuck." I huffed grabbing my radio. "Tech 33, Tech 33." There was radio interference.

"We're on our own." I told him sitting up. More explosions from either end brought us up to the frighting reality. Each security booth was taken out as a mob descended

"Right, ass us bro. Ass up." I pulled him up as the warzone gunfire made us grab our guns than had fallen to the ground and slip back into our soldier mentality.

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