Chapter Six - The Lions Den

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After finishing up with Forbes we were on the last stretch up to the roof to see how bad things were, to recon and report back but as usual, things were going faster than we could keep up.

"Looks like four sentries on the roof with air defence gone they're vulnerable to an aerial incursion. " General dick stated

"Wait, let us get there first and check it out." I retorted, we could still gain this back if the could give us a few minutes to get eyes on the situation.

"We're not waiting." Ugh why is he still talking, nothing good every came from him when he was talking.

"We have to secure Cerberus." Turnbull made a valid point but not a good one. i glanced at Mike for a moment then back up.

"Oh fuck." Mike muttered as we ascended the stairs, at even more of an accelerated pace.

"Send in the SEALs, General. We're going through the roof." I signalled for us to split. I went left and he went right. I heard Mike breathing over the comms .

"Tell them to hold!" Mike stated

"We ain't holding shit" General Dick retorted.

"Fuck, Jacobs. You gotta abort the mission, they got the hydra six." Mike stated over the line. Oh fuckity fuck. That was not good. We kept up on the latest weapons for the fear of being undermined in a time like this and it wasn't good.

"What's that? Jacobs asked

"Next generation weapon. Ours." mike answered breathing heavily

"How the hell would they get that?" Lynne questioned

"Abort the fucking mission." I growl. I heard gun fire and I ducked behind a wall. I popped out and shot two bullets.

"Mikey, you got hostiles on your twenty."

"Roger that." I caught up as Mikey was with at least two. I saw the third and got my shot in before he could take my partner. I looked up at the hydra 6. Then I saw two rocket launchers.

I handed one to Mike and we went on the roof. Seeing the bird up in the air getting takendown was something I didn't want to see.

"Do it." I said and closed my ears he  removed the gun out of play. I looked up and saw that the rear of a bird was it and coming towards us.

"Run" Mike helped pulling me along. We slipped down and held onto a ledge but it still coming at us we had to let go and free fall.

-3rd Person-

Mike and Grace fell through the floors and landed causing each of them to  black out. In the crisis centre Lynne rushed to check on her operatives.

"Banning, Carter are you okay?" The news reports about the destruction a report on the large portion of the white house destroyed played in the background. The P.E.O.C came online again and Kang stood there with another hostage.

"Speaker Trumbull, that was a very foolish undertaking." He shot another hostage point blank.

"Your president is next. You now have one hour to recall the seventh fleet and your troops. Once you do so I want a helicopter on the north lawn fuelled and ready. 60 minutes." the line went black.

Back in the wreckage Mike groaned waking up in pain. He looked to the side of him and saw the still unconscious Grace. He winced and moved then to sit up. He held her in his arms checkin for a pulse. She was alive thankfully. He called back in.

"Mike?" Trumbull asked


"We've been trying to reach you son are you okay? Is Agent Carter okay?" Trumbull questioned.

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