Chapter Fifteen - Harley Quinn

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We bade our way back on and through the carts of the tube and onto the tacks behind, as we kept ourselves underground.

"Grace, what the hell was that." Ben exclaimed as we made our way through the tunnel's

"That was Harley Quinn." I called back

"What?" he asked,  I hummed a long the tracks.

"Harley Quinn is what she calls her dark side. Grace I think you should tell him." I turned back stopping for a moment.

"You're the better story teller. Mikey." I clicked my tongue pointing at him then turned back and carried on walking ahead.

"Someone please explain why you just went nuts on that guy." Ben stressed out.

"Before she joined the secret service  and after she was with section 2. Grace was with a black ops group. Code name Harley Quinn, only the most elite soldiers were recruited  and she was one of them. Everyone has a dark side this group was specialised at letting the dark side loose. Imagine you've been through war, losing people you care about, innocents die. It does a number on us. Which is why some have PTSD.

Grace, for a few years did some pretty messed up stuff in the name of patriotism." Images flickered in my mind as I remembered. There was a pause in him telling my story when I stopped

"My adoptive father died 10 months before you first became president." my voice was hollow as I turned back to them.

"He was so proud when I became a solider. That when I looked in the mirror I realised that I wasn't a solider, I was a killer. I asked Lynne to pull some strings when I applied for a transfer. I swore on his grave I would never be like that again. Yet she's always there, the one that doesn't have any remorse in killing and torturing  . I've kept her buried for so long, even when the Koreans  took the White House I had control. But she was like another mother to me, even with everything that happened that christmas. I lost it, she's just came out." I looked into his eyes "But it's okay."

"How is it okay?"

"Because you helped, your like the calming voice inside my head. I let my anger out,  let her out and I feel calm, and like the woman who laid out of the car shooting at a motorcycle and 70 mph." I heard more echo through the tunnels and we found a side exit to a maintenance  tunnel.

"We need to go. Now." I took Ben's hand and we started running, we ran for another five minutes before we slowed down.

"I think we've lost them." Mike breathed  "You Ok?"

"Yeah. I'm made out of bourbon and bad choices, huh?" I had a feeling that was an inside joke between the two. But right now that didn't matter. I needed to talk with Ben.

"Sit down, take a deep breath." we did

"Mike can you give us a second." He nodded and went to scout  ahead.

"Look, I know today's been shitty and after this you won't look at me the same way anymore..." His lips cut me of by kissing me. When he pulled away I was more than surprised than ever.

"Do you ever shut up?" he chuckled and the rubbed his thumb across my cheek.

"I ummm, that was not what I was expecting." I whispered still in shock. I for sure thought this was a deal breaker.

"For better for for worse. I think this defiantly counts." He leaned his head against mine.

"Your not repulsed." his eyebrows furrowed

"Grace you told me you stabbed a man in is privates sober . This Harley Quinn side seemed tame compared to that act." he replied, today he was full of surprises.

"I wouldn't b so sure." he lifted my head up.

"You tried to push me away before we married remember? Didn't work then and it won't work now. "  he assured me and gave me another kiss.

"We gotta move you too." We looked at Mike who came back "You all made up now?"

"Shut up Mike." We retorted the stood up and  started walking

"How many do you think died?" Ben asked holding my hand. noW i knew he was the one spiralling, how could he not after the past few hours.

"I don't know, a lot." Mike panted

"All those innocent people, dead because of me." I squeezed his hand gently

"No, not because of you or me but  because of them."

"Gray's right sir, They're trying to kill the two of you. And they've killed all these people just make everyone else a little more afraid. Well fuck that and fuck them." Ben stopped us mid walk.

"Mike, Grace. Don't let them take me."

"We're not going to." We assure him, over my dead body would they get to him, husband or not. I wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Let me finish. If it comes to it, if it's going to happen."


"Mike." He stopped him "If it comes to it I want you to kill me." He said it. I felt tears spring in my eyes.

"Not you Grace but Mike. That's an order. I will not be executed  for propaganda as my children and the American people see me on fucking You Tube for the rest of their lives. " Mike breathed nervously.


"Mike no!"

"Enough Grace. It's the right thing. Now lets go." He pulled me along in silence, ending the conversation or more like the ridiculous request that I would take Mike down before he could do anything.

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