Chapter Eighteen - Saving Love

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--3rd Person-

Ben's captors argued as they head gunfire coming form outside. He glanced back knowing that his wife and friend were out there. He knew they would take a back seat.

"Hear that? That's the sound of inevitability and my protective yet crazy wife leading the charge." he sneered and Kamrin, who grabbed him by the collar

"I am going to kill you live, but that doesn't mean you can't suffer privately first" Kamrin hit Ben in the stomach, the grabbed him again.

"Look at me." Ben glared at him "I held my sister as she died in my arms. As she was killed by your wife. She was the one that pulled the trigger on a wedding and then she shot my family and friends like they were dogs, all on behalf of you. We are all monsters Mr President." Karim told him

"I won't justify your insanity to make you feel better about yourself." Ben retorted


We came out in between two sets of guards neither facing us, when the worst thing could happen. The lights came back on. I quickly removed my lens as then we were noticed. I was pulled out of the way by mike as they aimed and shot at us but got each other instead.

"You good?"

"Yeah." I stuck my arms out seeing the guns and aimed them away from me just as they pulled the trigger shooting each other. Mike slid out from blow taking out the other bogey.  I stepped out and gave a little shrug holding my gun out once more  and made our way closer. We aimed in different directions when I clocked two shooters first and fired.We hit up against a wall as Mike too out one coming then used him as a shield to take out another. but he was caught in the arm. I dived down low and came out rapidly firing and inuring him. I ran and tacked him through a hole which was met by more firing it.

"Gray." I rolled out of the way as Mike backed me up then pulled up out offering line. Without missing a beat I jumped up and we ran out

--3rd Person---

Ben Asher was streamed live all over the world in his beaten state, but he did not back down,  recited his vow that he made to become President. Even as he continued to be beaten, all people could do was sit there. Connor couldn't though He held onto his baby sister and closed his eyes as a Machete was put to his fathers neck. Just as Karmrin was about to swing, Grace fired to shots and then came into view with Mike shooting at the guards


My gun stopped working as there was only one more, Mike moved Ben out of the way and I punched the guy in the white shirt. We fought as I aimed first to receive him of the machete he just tried to kill my husband with. and then I run house kicked him to the ground. I spit out blood and wiped my mouth.

"Ben." i snapped my head back and took a step to him when the guy got up I quickly grabbed the machete and swung around slashing him across the chest.

"When are you guys gonna get that were not a fucking building or a flag, we're a movement of people, you assholes keep trying to kill us but we rise back up like a phoenix. So fuck you..."

"Grace, Grenade!" I turn quickly seeing it and duck behind  a large slab of brick where Mike has already moved Ben and it went off. I sat back up coughing and wafting the smoke out of my face. mike took out a knife to receive Ben of his restrains "What took you so long?"

" stuck in traffic." I coughed and stood up to where shirt guy was, but he was gone "Fuck me does this shit never die?" I ask coming out. We gathered weapons and Mike picked up a phone

"Ready to end this?" I asked the boys

"Ready." They agreed. I locked and loaded another gun and we left the room. I took up the front with Ben behind me and Mike at the rear. We heard voices and Mike must have seen them as he fired. I however kept my eyes forward but reached back. Ben took my hand and I pulled him into another corridor, where there were more waiting for us we split wither side and I fired back. We were literally surrounded.

"Mike! Grace! Come on!" Ben yelled slipping away and I came out firing then joined him. Mike was behind me after doing the same thing. We popped out firing till we were all out.

"Call it in." I breathed standing toe to toe with Ben.

"Come in. I we're trapped I repeat we're trapped." Mike glanced at me and I nodded "Blow it."

"Are you insane. I can't blow it yet, you're not out." came the reply I snatched the radio

"We can't get out unless you do. Davis trust me, blow!" I order then take Ben's hand and gave him a reassuring nod which he returned trusting me. We heard the explosions set off.

"Now." Mike yelled and we came out running toward the fire heading towards us then at the last minute I pulled my husband with the push of mIke into a elevator shaft falling down and flying about as the fire attempted to catch up with us


"Banning, Asher do you copy." I hummed movingly head, hearing the voice. I slowly began to move coming round after I must and been knocked out, not surprising after the stunt we just pulled. "Box command, we've found them." I opened my eyes to a light shining in my face and coughing.

"Fuck me, I hurt."

"Mr President, Ma'am are you okay?" I heard the voice of Davis

"Will you stop shouting, I have the worst hangover." I pulled myself up and winced "Ugh my ribs are throbbing."

"Did I ever tell you... I fucking hate funerals." Mike commented making us laugh. I pushed myself up and was helped out first, followed by Ben and Mike.

"Is that all they got?" Ben joked and i shook my head

"Looks like it." Mike replied as Ben took my waist and we were escorted out and to waiting ambulance, for each of us. We were taken to the hospital where it was manic but we were patched up well enough so that we could be quickly taken home.

--Two Weeks Later----

I laid on my be playing with Elizabeth's  fingers as she listened to Connor reading. It had been two weeks since the attack and after a press conference proving that we had survived the attack, we took a private vacation. Ben came through the patio doors and I glanced up at him with a small smile, he joined us wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.

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