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Very late upload today... sorry. However, it's still thirty minutes til midnight so technically I've made my deadline. I was on the road all day, so I couldn't get to writing until late. However, I hope you enjoy this one and the angst that comes with it. Anyways, be sure to leave a vote and comment!                                                                                                             -Colorado


Adrien had been tired before. He had flown plenty of red eye flights, had many photo shoots running late, galas that wouldn't be finished until early morning when he had school the next day, but he had never been tired like this.

Fashion week was upon Paris, which Adrien never looked forward to. He was often filled with photo shoots, fashion shows, galas, speeches, you name it. Being the face of one of Paris' most notorious fashion brands wasn't easy. However, this year was possibly even worse. While in years past he could afford a week off from everything but fashion, that wasn't the case this time.

Adrien adored going to school, he really did. In fact, he never wanted to skip school unless absolutely necessary. It was easily one of the best parts of his day. Not only did he get to learn, but he got to spend time with friends without his father's interference. The only downside was the amount of homework he received. He was definitely feeling it this week.

Since he had missed school, and would continue to miss school for the week, he was left with a mountain of work to catch up on. He tried to squeeze them in between shoots, shows, and galas, but the hour-long car rides were insignificant compared to the amount of work he had. So he was left to catch up in the wee hours of the morning, when no self-respecting teenager would be awake. 

The combination of endless work plus little sleep was not good for any part of his health, and by halfway through the week, Adrien was feeling it. He hadn't meant to snap and Giuseppe, but one too many spaghetti metaphors tipped him over the edge. Giuseppe had first looked just as angry as Adrien felt, he loved his photographer, but he had a very short fuse. Of course, Giuseppe did not give Adrien a break and instead stormed off. Giuseppe had told Nathalie what had happened, who had told his father. Now Adrien was sitting in his room, trying to ignore the inevitable of what would happen next. 

His father was never the nicest man, but when he was angry...

Adrien winced at the memory of his past scoldings. He did not take confrontation well, especially when it was from someone he cared about and despite Plagg's advice, Adrien truly did care about his father. He just hoped he would be able to continue to go to school.

"Come on kid, I'm sure it won't be that bad. Your dad has been pushing you way past your limits. He's gotta understand that not everyone can be nice all the time! In fact, your old man should understand that better than anyone, he's never nice." Plagg attempted to cheer Adrien up, even if he knew it was futile.

"Thanks Plagg." Adrien said, but his heart wasn't in it. He was so not looking forward to this.

"Adrien Agreste!" He heard his father yell, as his door opened. Plagg rushed to hide himself as his father stormed in. "Your performance at your photoshoot is unacceptable. I do not ask for much from you, Adrien!"

"I'm sorry."

"You better be sorry. You are the face of the brand, every move you make affects our reputation. That includes when you lash out at our photographers. Now I have to make sure that this doesn't get out to the media." Gabriel rubbed his temples. "During fashion week, too! I don't know what's gotten into you."

Ladrien June 2022Where stories live. Discover now