A Lucky Day

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"Well, would ya look at that?"

The sun brilliantly shined on the surface of the path, almost blinding me permanently. Well, that's what it felt like anyway. I could of known how Helen Keller felt, especially with all the noise and shit.

It was a particularly loud day, I would say. People were bustling with excitement at the news of the new Ultimates. Consistent threads spoke about online about them, either admiring them or the academy.

The academy in question was Hope's Peak Academy; founded by Izuru Kamukura. It was said to be the Highschool of Hope, hints the name of course. And such a highschool of hope would only invite the most talented.

Why? Because in all honesty, the staff are kind of dicks.

Oh yeah, the Ultimates. That's what they called the people who were invited there. They're practically elite at what they can do. But they pretty much suck at everything else.

For example, there's Chihiro Fujisaki. The Ultimate Programmer. She's basically the best of all the programmers in the world, so she was invited here. A lot of people seem to like her because of her cinnamon roll aesthetic.

As for why I was invited here; I'm the Ultimate Hypnotist.

Why was I invited for that of all things? No fuckin clue, Sherlock. You'd think because of how much I swear and how loud I talk I wouldn't be able to, but nope. I'm apparently a Chad at hypnotism.

Anyway, continuing on; I also learnt that there's a lottery or some shit. Like, a lottery that invites a fucking totally average person into the school. So that'll be a relief, cuz that means I get to bully the hell outta them!

Kidding, kidding. I'd never bully someone for not having any talent.

Anyway, I should probably head in instead of monologing pointless shit to myself. It's not like any of what I'm saying is worth listening.

With an exasperated sigh, I began to walk in with a total sense of exhaustion. I probably shouldn't have stayed up just because I wanted to watch Ouran Highschool Host Club. But if anything, I'm grateful that school isn't real. I'm not rich enough to anyway.

Step by step, my increasing boredom began to spiral second by second. I had gotten here early, so that would mean I'd have to sit or stand somewhere for 40 fucking minuminunununu


A door.

Why is there a door?

Where am I?

I should head in.


Why should I? What the fuck do I need to-

Why would I need? What the fu...

No, I must head in.

I inched closer and closer, I felt as if the whole world around me was collapsing down upon itself. As if everything behind me would swallow me whole if I didn't hurry fast enough. Closer, closer still.

When I finally reached the door, I twisted its golden yellow handle slowly. Practically fearing what was behind me, even though I knew there wasn't anything.

And a bright luminescent glow greeted my glazed eyes, bringing them color once more.

The light quicky dimmed, and I began to make out shapes as it faded.  Shapes. Human shapes. They soon became silhouettes, and then they formed into..

Human beings.

They were all human beings, and for some reason.. I felt an odd feeling. It felt like there was some kind of aura coming from each and every one of them. But aside from their auras.. I knew something else.

I was in a classroom.

They all looked so.. different. Who were they? Did they all drug me or some shit while I wasn't looking? I dont know how the hell they'd be that fuckin fast though, only an Ultimate could do something as quick as that.

"Whoa, hey! Look!" A confident female voice called out, words stinging with a sense of obliviousness. It was coming from this.. woman with a.. um.. big.. proportions! Yeah, heh.

Everyone's eyes turned to me all at once, making me slightly cower. I was like a weed in the middle of a field of gracious roses. So small, so plain, so ordinary.

"Um.. hi?" I waved awkwardly, fidgeting with my hands as I spoke. I timidly stood, trying to avert any eye contact with them. Their unique presence taunted me with confidence, causing me to look fragile.

"Are you a freshman here too?" A sweet voice asked, laced with hints of elegance and safety. I felt practically soothed at those mere words.

"Uh.. yeah. Are you guys all freshman then?" I tried to look up, as not to seem weak in front of them. But to no avail, as upon greeting someone's eyes, I looked down again.

"Yeah, we're all gathered here in this classroom. And yet we dont know why." A soft and calm female voice answered, hints of exhaustion in those very words.

"I.. see. Well, I just remember blacking out then waking up in some weird void thingy. For some reason I felt like going through some weird door, so I did and then promptly ended up here." I explained quickly, as to get it out of the way so I wouldn't annoy any of them.

A male students eyes seemed to light up at that explanation, his yellow eyes practically glistened with.. excitement? Surprise? I couldn't really tell if he was happy or shocked.

"M- Me too! I ended up getting here like that too!" His voice was masculine, yet it still sounded like he was going through puberty with the amount of cracks in the sentences he spoke.

"Oh, uh, I see.." I awkwardly responded, without thinking of what to say. Silence followed, leaving me standing idly on the brown wooden floor.

An intimidating voice that was coming from a rather large man spoke; "Are you just going to stand there?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes carrying intense waves of mystery.

I flinched, and quickly responded; "Oh- Um- Yeah! Sorry.." Apologizing, I began to try and find my way to a place to sit or stand. My eyes scanned around the room promptly, and finally, I decided to walk to a desk.

There was some dude sitting on it, so I just stood beside it. And before I knew it, I fell into my mind again.

Only one question was on my mind.

What the fuck was going on?

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