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As I plunged forth into a nearby path, I began my search of some place interesting to search around. With.. Nagito and Hajime being held by me of course. As I stepped onto the path, I turned and began to run faster.

I heard Hajimes yelling behind me, and Nagitos relaxed laughter. I only smiled at the sounds of Hajimes terror, his fear was almost amusing to me. I smiled bigger when I saw a path with a sign next to it.

"Jabberwock Park", It had read.

Curiosity boiled inside of me as I stopped, and before they could say anything, I zoomed into it.

As I finally stopped, my feet dragged against the ground, sliding. "Ahaha, you have quite the speed, Y/N." Nagito held his hand up with a smile. Those kind words.. they felt sincere, yet for some reason a part of me couldn't believe it.

"Heh.." I awkwardly laughed at his compliment, but as I turned away, I quickly took notice of my surroundings.

Multiple trees layered the area around me, slightly moving as a slight breeze came every so often. There was a big statue in the middle of it, an ominous one of some kind of creatures. Around the statue, there were different paths leading to outside the park. There were flowers as well..

"A park surrounded by the ocean.. hmm, it feels so nice." Nagito commented, chuckling in a carefree way. "Heh, jeez. Your so carefree." I said, an awkward smile on my face. Hajime then turned to look at the statue, furrowing his eyebrow slightly as he took in its.. odd appearance.

"Wow! What a grand statue!" Nagito grinned, seemingly amazed with the statue himself, rather than terrified."Yeah, it's grand.. but isn't it also kind of creepy?" Hajime asked him, a bit of fear inside of his yellow eyes.

"You think so? I think it looks splendid." Said Nagito, "I mean, look at it. It probably symbolizes the whole island." Excitement became more prominent in his face as he said that, yet he still looked so... calm.

Hajime then looked deep in thought, was he doing that weird internal dialogue thing that for some reason everyone who has a cowlick always does?

As I looked around more, I noticed a figure in the corner of my eye. A rather large one in fact. As I turned, I realized.. it was that large guy from earlier. He seemed to be standing there, minding his own business.

I put a hand on Nagitos shoulder gently, and spoke; "Hey, let's go talk to that guy over there! Best we introduce ourselves to him right now instead of later, right?"

I smirked as friendly as I could. He smiled, "Ahaha, of course. If we get them out of the way, we'll finally be able to figure out how to get out of here."

"Heh, yeah." I tried to force a laugh out of my mouth, it was practically laced with lies. But he didn't seem to say anything, he just smiled. Like always.

"Hey, Hajime! Let's go introduce ourselves to that guy over there!" I yelled out, even though he wasn't that far away. Hajime visibly had a bead of sweat drip down his face, "I-I'm not that far away! You don't have to yell."

I nodded, and began to run away. Not regarding that they weren't even following me. Ignoring Hajimes distant yelling, I ran closer and closer to the guy until i finally stopped. He seemed to take notice of me, and what I presume the other two behind me as they followed.

"...what do you want?" Asked the guy, his eyes laced with intimidation. This guy.. his aura was so overwhelming. His eyes were practically saying; "I'm better than you."

"Ah, Byakuya. Have time for a small introduction?" Asked Nagito, friendly as ever. "Introduction?.." This 'Byakuya' guy muttered, staring at us.

"C'mon, guys!" Nagito stared at us with eager eyes, smiling as carefree as ever. "Um.. hello. My name is Hajime Hinata." Hajime replied in response to Nagitos plea. I stepped closer to Hajime, and wrapped an arm around him, mostly just because i wanted to see how he'd react.

Playfully, I smirked, "And I'm Y/N L/N, Ultimate Hypnotist! Nice to meetcha!" I introduced myself in a energetic tone. Hajime only looked at me with shocked, and slightly angry eyes. "H-Hey, get off me!" He grunted.

"Byakuya' stood silent for a moment, before speaking; "My name is Byakuya Togami."

"..I'm done. That's it, right?" He asked, clearly annoyed with us just being there. "Back off." He looked away, his aura felt intimidating, cold. Anyone would tremble in his presence by the looks of it.

"I suppose thats Byakuya for you." Nagito suddenly said, looking down at the ground. "What do you mean?" Hajime asked, obviously confused by his weird comment. He then began to explain; "That guy is particularly special. Even by Ultimate Standards..."

"Hes next in line to inherit his family's massive financial conglomerate." He continued with his explanation, "Hes already began managing the business operations, and his net worth is well, enormous."

"Its completely accurate to call him the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. He's the epitome of exceptional." He explained further, damn, he could be human Google. I could just squeeze all my info outta him.

"You there, Hajime, was it?" Byakuya suddenly spoke up, curiosity was slightly hinted inside of his ocean blue eyes. "Tell me, why did Hope's Peak Academy choose you?.." Asked Byakuya, raising a brow at Hajime.

"What is your Ultimate Talent?" He kept asking further questions, for someone so cold, he was like a curious child when he didn't know something.

"U-Um.. th-the thing is..." "Man's doesn't remember. Some amnesia type shit." I interrupted him, gripping onto him a bit harder as I grinned. "He doesn't remember?.." Byakuya repeated, a bit confused.

"Apparently he lost his memory due to shock... he can't really remember much." Nagito continued my explanation for me, still smiling as he said that. Why was he smiling so much? The word smiling has already been used so much for this book.

"Hmph, how foolish." Byakuya rolled his eyes, looking away. I could tell this guy's ego was up high, that's for sure. After a bit of silence, Hajime tried to speak: "Um.."

Nonetheless, he got cut off; "...I do believe we have finished talking. How much longer do you intend to stand there? Move along! That's the only thing you skinny types are good at, it seems."

"Lets just leave, Hajime." Nagito said in response to Byakuyas assholery. "Yeah.. sure thing." Hajime replied.

As we walked off, I could only say one thing to them;

"Man, that guy was a dick."


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