Still Ever The Charmer

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We both turned to the guy just realizing that he had witnessed our little conversation. And that he was there. Even though we were just talking to him a few moments ago.

"Oh.. uh, right. Your here. Um.." I stammered awkwardly, a little embarrassed we had such a talk in front of him. He seemed to be internally thinking something, most likely something sassy due to the look on his face.

"Ahaha, apologies. It was a little rude to speak like that to eachother in front of you." Nagito apologized, his all too familiar laughter sounding again. Smiling, he turned to me. "Ah, apologies to you too. I'm just so happy to see you again, that's all." He explained with an apology.

"Uh.. thats alright. I- uh, I'm ha- happy to see you again too." I stuttered, obviously nervous. I'm guessing he could tell, anyone could probably tell.

"Happy to see eachother again?" The guy seemed confused at our words, "What do you mean?" He questioned with a look of confusion. "Oh, uh.." I trailed off at his question, trying to find the right answer to it.

"I- um.. we knew eachother when in middle school, and were close. But, I ended up having to move to a different town. I only just moved back here to go to the academy.." I explained, looking away with a sense of anxiety.

Nagito laughed, "It seems in the end.. Lady Luck graced me after all." My eyes were filled with confusion, my face as well. Why was he acting like this? He wasn't so.. carefree the last time I saw him. His hair wasn't so.. white, his skin wasn't so pale.

What happened to him?

"Uhh.. yeah, it seems so." I laughed awkwardly, trying to act as if I wasn't bothered so I didn't come off as rude. As I did so, I had realized that I didn't actually know the guys name yet.

I turned to him, "Oh, I forgot to ask. What's your name, ya handsome fella?" I asked, trying to seem unbothered. My fake smile seemed to be working, either that or he was just more concerned about what I just called him.

"H-Handsome?!" He muttered. "Come on~, tell me your name." I urged him on, looking down/up at him with smug looking eyes. He looked away in a rather cute way, "Um.. Hajime. I'm Hajime Hinata." He stuttered out his introduction.

Hajime, eh?

"I see, that's a fitting name for such a handsome dude like you." I joked, trying to make sure he knew I was joking with my tone. It seemed to still catch him off guard though, whether he knew I was joking or not.

"H-Hold on! We just met!" He held up his hands in protest. "I know, I know." I laughed, "I'm jokin, don't worry." I reassured him while wiping a tear from my face with a smile. Nagito chuckled again.

"You haven't changed, huh? It seems your still quite the charmer even after all these years." He commented, still looking relaxed as ever. I turned to face him, trying not to crack in fear.

"Charmer? Are you flirtin' with me, you smiley bastard?" I faked a smirk, trying to keep my cool. He laughed again, "I don't know. Maybe I am." He flirted, I couldn't tell if he was serious or not serious.

I awkwardly chuckled regardless though, still feeling a bit of warmth on my face. Even if I was a bit.. weary of him, flirting would still get me. Hajime seemed to awkwardly laugh too, a bit unaware of what to do.

Suddenly, I heard what sounded like.. a beeping sound.

"What the hell was that?" "Hey, was that beeping?!" Me and Hajime both asked at the same time, though he sounded a bit more scared.

Even if we spoke at the same time though, I definitely knew where that sound came from. Because I felt a vibration in my pocket the moment it went off.

"What a weird sound.." Hajime muttered, he seemed to be searching for where the sound came from on his body. As he reached into his pocket, he pulled out.. some weird device.

I reached into my pocket too to see if i had it too, low and behold, it seemed I did. The device looked like a PDA of some kind, or like a card. It read 'E-handbook', but I had never heard of that kind of device before.

"Wh-what the hell is this?!" Hajime muttered as he looked at his, "Its like a PDA or smartphone..." He had pointed out, it seemed he had the same thoughts I did.

"Thats strange, why is something like this inside of our pockets?" I asked the question for him. "Usami was passing them out earlier. Remember?" Nagito said to us, looking a bit concerned.

"Oh right.. you two seemed pretty out of it then." Nagito said, realizing that we had been unconscious that time. I chuckled, "Pfft, yeah. He fell on me like an old person in a nursing home when they didn't have their walker." I commented.

"H-Hey!" Hajime yelled at me, a bit offended by my comment.

"Uh-uh! No fighting!" A familiar high pitched voice popped up, in the corner of my eye, I immediately realized who it was. Usami. That little rabbit shit.

"What the.. where did you come from?!" Asked Hajime, a bit startled by her sudden appearance. "Did I startle you? I'm terribly sorry!" She apologized at his anger. "Teehee, I know how to apologize like a good girl!" She laughed.

"Anyway, don't you think it's cool? The handbook is absolutely vital for this school trip, so make sure you don't lose it!" She had warned us. I couldn't take her seriously with her elmo voice, heh. "Its that important?" I asked.

"I've asked everyone to use their e-handbooks to gather the hope fragments!" She had explained enthusiastically.

"Um, on this island, you'll have to obtain hope fragments as you get along with your classmates!" She began, "As your relationships with everyone improve, you'll be able to gather more and more hope fragments!" She.. well, tried to smile. It looked a bit creepy, but whatever.

"Gather hope fragments so the flower of hope achieves its full  bloom. Truly, that is.." She trailed off, "the main purpose of this school trip!" She said, full of optimism and hope.

"Love, love!" She chanted, and then dissapeared into the sand.

"H-Hey!" Hajime called out as she faded away. After a few seconds of silence, I spoke, "Pff.. she looks like bugs bunny." My joke had only made me laugh more. And it had only made Hajime more and more weirded out by me.

Yo, I'm like.. a kyoko, hajime and chihiro kinnie so if like.. any Makoto, Komaeda or whoever kinnies wanna talk.. I'm like.. right here😜💅 /j /lh

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