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LENGTH: very, very, VERY long - 4044 words (sorry)


I've been through many trials and tribulations due to my job, a pirate's job specifically. Being on an abandoned tiny island has not been one of them so far. I didn't realize swimming on a whim was a bad idea. My environment was filled to the brim of sexism since they've never had a woman as a first mate. It was to the point whenever yesterday, my captain, Hornigold, had tried to...I think you already know...

  Since I respect myself to not tolerate those cerdos, I packed all my shit, which fitted perfectly in my satchel, and dived into Poseidon's realm of blue. 

  It was day two on that small island, as I waved the seagulls away from my dry, frizzy, unkempt hair. I just sat there blankly on the hot sand, thinking about how long I have left. I was starved and thirsty, trying not to lick my crusty lips out of hunger and the salvation of saliva left in my body. My skin was shriveling with blisters and as if it wasn't naturally tan enough, it was drowning in melanin now. At this point, survival wasn't really worth it. I looked at one of my red spare bandanas waving, tied to a long twig stuck in the ground. I had stuck it there in case any ships came along. To be honest, I convinced myself I didn't even care at that point. I realized I did, whenever a ship passed along. A large one, in fact. I questioned which side they were on, Spanish or British, but I shouldn't have cared since I was from both sides. I jumped up and down, waving my arms left to right. 

  "Ayudame!!!" I said hoarsely, speaking in Spanish since I was still learning English. I wasn't certain if I was being loud enough, which was sort of weird for me to think since mi familia used to always call me out on my loud mouth. "Por favor!!" 

  As the ship started to flow my way, I tried to clean myself up and I glanced upon a sort of teal figure holding a smart object, I guess. Once I was in walking reach, it threw down a rope. I groggily walked up to it and held it tight with my scorched hands. As I was being pulled up, I pitied the one or many people that were on the other side of the rope since my figure was more curvy and thick than most girls these days. Once I was close enough, a rather giant man grabbed me and tossed me onto the deck, as if I was a weightless ragdoll to him. I landed on my kneecaps and palms hard. I was soaking their ship with the leftover seawater dripping from my hair, clothes, and nose. I guess my mini clean-up before I came aboard wasn't really worth it since my curls were stuck on my forehead whenever I looked up to my knights. Leaning back, I took the ship's..."caretakers". They seemed...unusual for a pirate crew, too boney, kind, blonde. The man in the back, upon the upper deck, fit the look, dressed in full black leather. But I wondered if he's secretly dying like me under the smooth fabric. 

  But I was met with a cool sword under my plush chin, sort of relaxing to feel something cold upon my body. I then looked up to the master of this icy weapon, his eyes were furious and hazel. His salt and pepper brown hair was slicked back and had a greying away goatee. His face seemed old, rugged, and strong, even with a scowl framed upon his face. On one of his cheeks was an x and I wondered the meaning behind it even though it was so insignificant and small.

  "Who the fuck are you?" he asked. His voice was heavy and coarse like the sand I sat upon earlier. I was relieved to hear another's voice again to know I wasn't dead yet. 

  "A-Angel. Not mas y menos. Gracias por salvaeme." 

  He looked back at one of the crew members. "She's thanking you for saving her." they translated, apparently and thankfully, someone spoke Spanish. 

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