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LENGTH: long- 1372 words


  Her, on the other hand, was not free. As she left the Captain's chambers, her dress was making more stretch marks in her tawny skin. Her body was hot, trembling, and if she didn't get that damn thing off soon, she would become feral and tear it off with her sharp claws herself. She headed where Lucius and Pete normally slept, somewhere near the kitchen, and woke him up with a little nudge. 

  He flinched, startled at the feral-eyed beast she was, looking down at him like a succubus ready to feed in the almost darkness. He screamed like a little boy and threw a book, aiming for her head. Thankfully, she caught it due to her reflexes and tossed it to the side of the room. 

  "Oh my god, Angel, you scared the fucking shit out of me. I thought you were one of those ship ghosts, here to take my other finger." He said, quivering out of fright. 

  She giggled. "Unfortunately, no. But what I do need is your help to get me out of this goddamn fucking dress and to give me some of your clothes, por favor." She asked, innocently. 

  "Well, first of all, where are yours? Aren't they supposed to be dried by now? Plus I really wanna see you in your leather black pants and how thick really is your ass."

  "Well, first off, thank you. And secondly, I...left them in Stede's chamber." 

  "Oh, is he- you know..." Lucius made a discreet sexual gesture with his hands and mouth. "With Edward?" 

  She quietly giggled and softly shook her head. "No. I just didn't get the chance to get 'em before..." she hesitated, her gentle lips slightly shaking remembering Israel's offer. 

  "Before what?" He genuinely asked in curiosity. 

  She toughened up her face, not wanting to break in front of him. 

  "It- nada, solo sacame de esta maldita cosa." 

  He thought for a moment, trying to remember some Spanish Jim taught him in case of a situation like this. Once he finally translated it in his head, he just smirked and crossed his arms. 

  "Bold of you to assume I'd do this favor for you without a little tea in return." 

  She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Out of all the things she wanted to talk about, she definitely didn't want to about what just happened right now, especially with Lucius, knowing him she was afraid of him spreading the gossip around like the Black Plague. Her wound was still fresh. He gave her an offer a lady could never refuse and she still said no. She knows she's doing it for his own good but it hurts so fucking bad. She felt like a fucking idiot. She was at war with herself, thinking if her decision was right or not. It wouldn't be the first time she was second, but at least she knew it this time. That's how she became a pirate in the first fucking place. But she knew was worth much more than that, at least that's what her mother taught her. She made a vow to herself to never settle for second place in love ever again. And she still hasn't, so she wasn't planning on ever breaking that vow now. 

  During her internal war with herself and the upcoming headache, Lucius began to untie the bow Izzy made and unravel the corset ribbons. It seemed he had read her upset face since he decided to take pity on her this one time. It was moments like these that she will forever grateful for having found this weird pirate crew. And dispirited for having to leave them so quickly. 

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