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LENGTH: long - 1655 words 


It seemed Morpheus skipped over her since she barely got any fucking sleep. In the little crow's nest, the chilly dark blows of Zephyr's were shaking her awake so roughly, as if she wasn't already naturally so cold. It was surprising to her since it was tropical weather during the day so far. Cocooning her entire plush body was Stede's seemingly alive ex-wife's sapphire dress, and she very much appreciated how smooth and soft it was since she barely experiences things like that anymore, but it was the hard wooden planks underneath that were bothering her.  She rolled onto her back to gaze at Nyx's cloak of stars. She was always so fascinated by the night sky since she could remember. She taught herself how to read the stars before she was even a pirate and still, there was so much more about them that she didn't know about it and she loved that uncertainty. So many patterns, stories, shapes, types, sizes, and names! She adored La Noche.

  Then, a tear dropped from the sky, stirring her away from her thoughts. She realized that she was too busy trying to find her zodiac constellation that some cloud nymphs started to fight which caused the drizzle. 

  "Mierda..." she mumbled, clutching the dress and wrapping it around her body, making her look like a beggar on the streets. 

  She started to look down, trying to find a stable rope to grab onto. But there he was, looking up at the bottom of the mast, sat Izzy Hands. Just... watching.

  It appeared the fight got more intense since the rain started to get heavier by the drop. She was slightly upset, seeing her newly gifted clothes getting wet, especially the dress. She gripped the dress in closer, not wanting to lose it on the way down. She then took her knife out from her slit and cut an extra rope to slide down on. She landed ever so elegantly and ducked her head, heading for the door quickly. Once she reached the doorknob, she looked at Izzy, who was starting to get up from his seat. He was saying something but the rain was so loud, she couldn't even hear. 

  "Que?" she shouted. 

  He spoke again but the rain was still noisy.

  He then started to walk toward her. 


  Izzy shook his head, giving up on what he was saying, and replaced her hand with his on the doorknob, opening the door for her like a chivalrous black knight. 

  "I said, get the fuck inside!" he said sternly. 

  His salt and pepper hair was slicked against his neck and face, his dark eyelashes glistening with rainwater. He was glorious, like a glowing angel arriving in the middle of a battlefield. He reminded her of a black fox she saw one day on her rare visits near a forest with her mother. She remembered chasing the strange creature playfully, going through many tunnels, and climbing over countless fallen thick trees just for that fox. She knew it was special, that's why she chased after it. She didn't know how or why it was, but there was just an aura surrounding that animal that was... new. She didn't care that it was feral, wild, or maybe rabid, it was something new and she wanted to find out what was new about it, she was only human after all. Was the new dangerous? Phenomenal even? All it took to find out was a person who gave a damn.

  But these kinds of chances could lead to hurt. It's not worth the hurt. Not again... 

  Fuck, she hated going down memory lane.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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