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LENGTH: very long - 2056 words  


Sitting in his own bed, Izzy was just staring at the ceiling. It had been a couple of hours since their 'very hot rematch' and his head was still trying to wrap around what the hell happened. He could already tell a headache was approaching but there was still a gleam of sunshine left before Nyx's takeover for the night. A sudden knock came at the door and he sat up suspiciously. He groaned, both at his sore body and just the appearance of other humans. He was still feeling embarrassed and a bit on edge. 

  Yet, he got up from his bed and opened the door to see- no one? Just an empty hallway, hmm, strange. But, he looked down to see his shirt, vest, and other leathery pieces of clothing, along with a little note on top of a folded piece of parchment. He grabbed his pile and kicked the door closed, dropping everything on his bed. He grabbed the note and tried to read the very fabricated letters the best he could. 

  "Congrats on the "win" - L" 

  He tilted his head in confusion at the fancy font but got the basic point. He understood the last word on there since it was just a simple three-letter word. He then grabbed the folded parchment and started to open it. It was a sketch of her, waist up. Nude. Chest, exposed. He quickly refolded the parchment and shoved it into the farthest, smallest drawer he owned. He felt like such a perv having seen that, yet he wanted nobody's eyes to look upon that but his own. 

  'Fuck you, Lucius.' he thought. 'Fuck you.' 

  He put his shirt and leather vest back on, straightening out the wrinkles. He tried to push her image out of his head for many hours, but it only made him sicker for the real thing. He felt himself heating up, he really wanted to cool down but his extra layers of clothing on him were only thriving the heat more. He slowly turned to just stare at the drawer as if it contained the secret to life itself. He opened the drawer hesitantly and quickly shoved the parchment in his vest, paranoid that someone might find it. 

  Another sudden knock came at the door but this time, there was someone on the other end, Ed. 

  "Need you up top. The ropes are a bit fucked and you're usually good at unknotting 'em, eh?" Izzy nodded his head with respect and Ed just gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks, mate. Appreciate it." 

  Once he got up there, Izzy saw the problem instantly. The Swede and Buttons were up by the ropes that held up the sails, just gazing at their tangled mess. Buttons looked on the edge of tears.

  "The birds. They're mad at me and tangled the ropes purposefully..." he clenched the ropes and looked out to the horizon. "Gulls are a wicked mistress. Tis' I who is the problem." A single tear dripped from his eye and the Swede patted his back in reassurance. Izzy rolled his eyes and snatched the rope from them. 

  "Well you better apologize to your damn birds soon 'cause if this takes me more than a fuckin' hour, I'll- " 

  He was unexpectantly cut off as soon he saw Angel upon the upper top deck, conversating with Ed. Both of them were sitting, dangling their legs as they laughed like school kids at some childish, dark joke too quiet for Izzy to hear. He hadn't seen her smile like that before. So cheery and sweet as she gracefully threw her head back in melodious laughter. Finally, the golden hour beamed upon her face, he thought she was the most gorgeous soul he'd ever laid eyes on. 

  The Swede and Buttons noticed his gaze, looked at each other puzzled, then back to Izzy.  

  "Sir?" the Swede asked nervously. 

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