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LENGTH: long- 1690 words 


  Dinner was...pretty awkward for the both of them. Since she was late to arrive, she sat across from Izzy, who had come seconds before her. A lot of eyes were upon her- in the most respectful way- as conversations flowed. Izzy never glanced upon her once, instead returned to his usual aggravating and stone-cold self. He snapped at a few crew members, but between the strident of it all, it was barely even noticed. As the alcohol flowed and the pirates became more chill, Stede stood and toasted to Frenchie, singing and teaching the crew a song called "Happy Birthday." 

  Stede clapped his hands for his attention once more. "I am also very pleased to announce that we shall head to land tomorrow for supplies!" 

  The crew cheered and poured more rum, wine, and beer. Angel smiled gratefully as the Swede kindly filled your glass with rum. She'd always liked the sweetness of the drinkable liquid and it was one of the very few alcohols that have been provided on Hornigold's disgusting ship. Chatter slowly regained to raucous levels of noise and she felt at ease. It was like one of her holiday dinners with her family in the past, it felt like home. Her stomach began to warm and light and she slung her arm over the back of her chair, watching everyone ever so comfortably. It was nice to have that family feel with the crew. Even though she didn't know them her whole life, yet nobody had treated her this well in so long. Hesitantly...she looked at Izzy. 

  Izzy Hands was not a heavy drinker. The heat in his stomach and the feeling of being a bit out of control of his actions always made him uncomfortable. He wasn't really a good drunkard either. He got sloppy and desperate, doing and saying things he would regret the next day during his torturous hangover. Drinking, much like love, made him feel exposed. Due to this, he only really let himself the day before a shore leave where a chance of an ambush would be lowest. It wasn't that his drunk sword fighting was particularly horrible, but that he talked a lot of smack during confrontations. But while Izzy wasn't usually a man to drink, fuck he was getting plastered tonight, baby.

  As the night settled down and more of the crew went off to bed or whatever else, the dining hall was left with her, Stede, Izzy, and Ed. 

  "Well, I for one am very excited to see land again. Perhaps we could...go for a little walk around together! I'm sure I have a map around somewhere to find something worthwhile!" he looked at Ed delightedly and then at Angel and Izzy. 

  "I'm not so sure if an adventure is- " Ed started but Stede gave him a stern look and looked back at her. 

  "Doesn't that sound wonderful, Angel?" Stede said.

  She shrugged. "I...guess that would be pleasant. But I think tomorrow is gonna be my last day here."

  "No!" Ed shouted across the table. She was startled by the sudden outburst. "I-I mean, you can't leave so soon." he glanced at Stede for assistance. 

  "Y-Yes, we'd love for you to stay with us permanently!" Stede said pleadingly.

  "But, I'm not so sure- "

  "At least stay for an adventure for god's sake," Ed said, gesturing towards Stede. "Look at this man, look at his adorable man! How could you refuse a dying offer like his?"

  "Ed, I'm not dying."

  Izzy mumbled under his breath. "If only." 

  'How cold is he?!' thought Angel, shocked by Izzy's behavior. She then turned to grin lovingly at Stede. "Sure, why the fuck not?" She got up and stretched as much as she could in that much tighter corset with her dress. She wanted to get out of it as soon as possible. "Well, I'm off. Gracias por esa Cena espectacular," she turned to Stede and grinned. "y amabilidad." 

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