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LENGTH: long - 1456 words 


Izzy woke up in a mood, don't know which one, just...moody. But it was reasonable due to the dream he had last night. It left him feeling out of sorts so the last thing he wanted to do was be anywhere near her. He got dressed and headed above deck to check on stupid fucking Stede Bonnet and what bullshit he was getting into now. Instead, he saw her teaching Stede how to swordfight. At one point, Ed thought it would be a pleasant idea for Izzy to teach Stede swordplay, for them to "bond." But Stede was asking too many stupid fucking questions and comments about Izzy's form. She seemed to be very efficient, though. The way she moved was a lot neater than most pirates- more smart and swift. The positioning of her curvy, thick legs and her strong hand hidden behind her back told him she'd been properly trained. Nice

  Izzy watched them both while pretending to be supervising the crew upon deck. After a while, Lucius slickly slid next to him, arms crossed and acting very prim. " seemed to have a good time last night, with Senorita Angel and all." 

  Izzy bit his lip. 

  "She seems very advanced. Even Stede's benefitting from it. I bet she handles a sword very well." He looked, smirked, and winked at Izzy. "Perhaps she'd make an...acceptable figure model for a sketch or two."

  Izzy finally snapped and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. He pushed him up against the wall hard. 

  "Don't chu fucking dare speak like that about-"

  A hand then rested on his shoulder, surprised, he turned.

  "?Hay algun problema, hombres?" Angel asked, wiping the sweat off her dignified brow. 

  Izzy growled and let Lucius go with a shove added. "Slut doesn't know how to shut the fuck up." 

  "Yeah, and I never will!" shouted Lucius while stomping away to his Black Pete. 

  "?Estas bien, guey?" she questioned. 

  "Me? I should be the one asking you that, sword-fighting with Bonnet and all." 

  She looked back to grin at Stede. He smiled back so cheerfully, cleaning up their swords. She turned back to face Izzy. "Stede? Es tan buen estudiante! I practiced a lot whenever I was little, but to be honest with you, sword fighting ain't my fav."

  Izzy cocked his head a bit. "Then what is?" 

  She put up her fists in a ready stance to box. "Hand to hand, like how we were meant to fight." 

  Izzy smiled- no teeth, though, just a twitch of the lips. 

  "Is that right?" 

  "?Yeah, eso es un ploblema, Senor Manos?" she said, challengingly. "Care to try? A little 'rematch' from yesterday. 

  This time, Izzy fully smiled, fangs and all, it seemed. He did it out of annoyance, perhaps even a tint of enjoyment. He then started to take off his leather holster and vest, undoing his tie and setting it aside on top of a barrel. She suddenly became distracted shortly due to his small peek of light chest hair she spotted upon. She kept on glancing back and forth to his face and chest." 

  "Like what you see, hun?" 

  She felt her face warm up and her mouth opened slightly as if to say something to him, but she only whispered to herself, not having a chance to think. "Si, you should take your shirt off, por favor." 

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