May I have this Dance? ( FLUFF Tobias x Emilio)

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Tobias was sitting on the gym bleachers, swirling the punch in his stereotypical red solo cup. He scowled to himself as he took a sip, regretting having asked his father to let him go to the school dance. The lights were dimmed and music blared as people walked past him, having useless conversations.

His mom had dressed him up in a stiff black tuxedo, and his siblings had teased him as he left the church. Rudolph had asked Tobias to go with him when they were still friends, but now that they weren't, he didn't know what he was doing there.

Hearing someone clearing their throat shook Tobias from his thoughts, and he looked up. The man was wearing a dark purple and black tux, a smile on his face as the lights reflected on his gold rimmed glasses. His hand was reached out towards Tobias, waiting for him to take it.

"Need some fresh air?"

Tobias hesitantly took his hand.

"This better not be a trick, Mr. Murkmere."

They made their way to the corner, Emilio pulling out a set of keys he had stolen as they reached the door. He twisted the key in the lock and looked behind himself to make sure no one was watching before pulling Tobias out with him. The brisk air hit their skin, and leaves of orange and red fell from the trees around them. They sat on the concrete sidewalk.

Emilio leaned on his legs and looked at Tobias, "You looked like you were having the time of your life in there. What's on your mind?" Slightly laughing to himself, Tobias looked up and sighed, "I don't know. I shouldn't have come. I don't deserve to be here after what I did to Rudolph. He doesn't look as if he has recovered yet, and I highly doubt me being here helps at all. No one wants me here anyways."

"Well, while I don't know what happened, I'm sure you and Rudolph can move past whatever happened. He's been through... things... before," The taller man spoke, "And, either way, I want you here. So that's one person, at least."

"Why? We aren't friends, Murkmere," Tobias eyed the other.

"Ouch. I was hoping we could eventually be friends, although I don't mind watching you from a distance for the time being. You look good in a suit, by the way."

Looking away, Tobias messed with the collar of his coat, "Thank you, but I hate it. I shouldn't have let my mother pick my clothes. It's too stiff for my liking."

Emilio grinned. "So just take it off."

The younger man's face reddened and he swiftly turned towards the other, sounding defensive as he spoke, "What?- Murkmere, what you are suggesting is-"

Chuckling, Emilio cut him off. "Not like that, Tobias. Just remove the parts that are too stiff for you. I'll do it too," He removed his coat and took off his tie, his shoes following soon after. Discarding the clothing items next to him on the sidewalk and rolling up his sleeves, he stood up and stretched, the sunset reflecting off his lenses and illuminating his tall figure.

Tobias hesitantly did the same, sliding off his coat and loosening his tie before removing his shoes. He stood up awkwardly and looked up to Emilio, a song change from inside the building making new music softly leak from the door they had previously left from. The purple eyed man was smiling, and once again held out his hand.

"I know we're not friends, but may I have this dance?"

Tobias shook his head, backing away slightly as he spoke, "No!- That's a sin, two men shouldn't do stuff like that!"

"Dancing isn't a sin, Tobias. Let yourself live a little," Emilio spoke softly, keeping his hand out, his offer still standing.

Nervously looking at the taller man, Tobias hesitated as thoughts of what his father would say ran through his mind. He then shut his eyes tight and pushed them away, confidently taking Emilio's hand before looking at him once more.

"Yes, you may."

Emilio's smile widened in a mixture of delight and surprise, moving his hands into their placement. Tobias followed the other's movements uncertainly, trying to act as if he knew what he was doing yet failing miserably. Letting out a soft chuckle, Emilio helped him and Tobias settled in comfortably, a small smile on his lips. Holding each other's hand and waist in a slow dance position, they began to spin to the beat of the music.

The sunset shined orangey-red on their bodies as they spun around, the wind picking up slightly. They started slow at first, but soon got lost in the rhythm, brightly smiling at each other as they began to pick up speed.

Gliding across the freshly trimmed grass, they went faster and faster, holding on tightly. Their hearts raced to the beat of the rhythm that they had created, and they adored it. They were completely lost in each other's embrace.

Then the music stopped, and so did they. Panting heavily, they stared at the other as the song changed again. "You know, Murkmere," Tobias spoke softly, slightly leaning in towards Emilio as his eyes started to flutter closed, "You're not so bad after all."

"Please, call me Emilio," The taller man stated before leaning down and kissing him. Accepting the kiss, Tobias wrapped his arms around Emilio's neck. The sun went down over the horizon, leaving them in darkness as they parted lips.

"If this is what sinning is like, then I don't think I want to go to heaven, Emilio." Tobias whispered, a smile forming on the other's face.

(948 words) 

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