Halloween Night (Carmelo x Rudy)

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[This fic starts off with re-writing what happened in the comic, before merging into original content.]

[Tw: Self Harm.]

Standing against the kitchen counter, Carmelo ran his hands through his hair, once again mentally cursing himself for being so horrifically stupid. Thoughts buzzed through his head as he let out a sigh and opened the cup cabinet. After pulling out what he hoped to be his nicest cup, he placed it on the counter. "What was I even thinking?," He whispered to himself, "Rudy deserves so much more than this. What if I just fuck it up again? Oh god, I was not prepared for this tonight."

Then the memory of their first meeting resurfaced, making Carmelo cringe at his own past actions. It was hard to think about. He hadn't meant to react so harshly.

Deciding to dwell on it more later, he moved on and grabbed the water pitcher before pouring it into the glass. He put the pitcher back in the fridge and brought the glass into the living room.

"Uh. Hey." Was all he could muster.

Rudy was laying on the couch, wrapped in the blanket that Carmelo had given him. Without looking up, he responded, "Hi."

Carmelo awkwardly placed the glass on the coffee table as he spoke, "So um... How are you doing now?"

"Do you remember when you talked to me in the hallway at school? When you said you didn't want me to die the first time," Rudy started, "You didn't finish. Why don't you want me to die? I thought you hated me..." Hoisting himself on a nearby table, Carmelo gripped the edge harshly, "Because... Because I care."

Rudy shook his head, hurt laced in his tone, "But why? Why do you care now and not when it mattered? You don't know how bad I needed someone, Carmelo... We could have been friends. I hoped we could."

"I-It's complicated, okay? I don't even know myself." Carmelo spoke weakly.

Clutching onto the blanket wrapped around him, tears threatened to spill from Rudy's eyes. "I was hurting so bad. I needed you. I thought you would help me. I thought I could start over with someone. I thought you would... Someone, anyone, help me...," Rudy started shaking, the tears now rolling down his cheeks, "Please... Please help me... I'm so scared..."

Carmelo wanted to reach out, but hesitated. A jingle came from his phone, alerting him of a phone call. He swore at his phone underneath his breath. He wondered if it was Francis finally calling him back as he got up from the table.

"Hey, man- D-Don't cry, okay? Uh- Deep breaths, okay? I gotta answer a call so I'll be right back," Carmelo said as he started to round the corner and out of the room, "Just hang tight!" Rudy just nodded slightly, curling into himself more.

Looking at his phone, Carmelo was disappointed to see that it was not in fact Francis, but the disappointment soon faded as he saw that it was his mom. Answering the call, he put the phone to his ear and spoke in Italian, "Hi, Mom. Are you on your way home?"

His mom sounded cheery as she responded, "Hello, baby! Soon! I ran into a friend! Are you home yet? It's late."

"Just got home. Dad's still out on patrol I guess," He said, and his mom gave a little chuckle. "He'll be out late. It's Halloween, kids are naughty. There are leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry. Oh!-," She suddenly remembered what she called for, now speaking in English as she added, "Remember those cookies you made for the fundraiser this past Spring? Mrs. Londi was wondering if you could make those again for her coworkers? She said she'd be willing to pay you!"

Carmelo rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Mom! I told you not to tell anyone! You were going to take credit for them, weren't you??"

"I'm sorry! I didn't tell anyone," She lied, "Just Mrs. Londi. And everyone in my women's circle. But you'd get paid! It'll be like your own little bakery!" Sighing, Carmelo gave in, a look of embarrassment on his face, "Fine! Fine. Just stop telling people. The guys are going to think I'm gay or something."

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