Secret Meeting (FLUFF Carmelo x Rudy)

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TW: Mentions of SH

Rudy checked behind him as he snuck off into the woods. He was going to the usual spot where he would meet up with his boyfriend. It wasn't too deep into the woods, just a little clearing with various daisies, alliums, and other flowers. Making his way, he saw a familiar blue haired boy sitting in the grass of the clearing.

A smile spread on Rudy's face as he walked into the sun-bathed area. Carmelo turned around when he heard the other and motioned next to him, and Rudy sat down next to him.

"How's my little strawberry?" Carmelo asked, hugging Rudy from behind before snuggling into his neck.

"Good, actually! I got a new movie recently, and this one was really good. I think I'll check out more of the producer's work," The red haired boy spoke, playing with one of Carmelo's hands.

Softening his voice, Carmelo asked, "And how are your wounds?"

"They're... healing. My parents have been helping me get therapy, and I think it's really helping. I'm 27 days clean now!"

Carmelo hugged the strawberry boy tighter, a smile on his face as he said, "I'm so proud of you!"

Rudy smiled brightly and leaned into the embrace of the boy behind him. "How have you been?"

"'Ve been thinking 'bout you," Carmelo responded, Rudy letting out a soft laugh before he continued, "Seriously, though, I've been doing good as well. Francis has been busy with his new boyfriend, so it's been kinda empty in the group without him. Plus, Emilio has been doing his weird thing with watching you-know-who."

"My offer still stands, I could hang out with you guys," Rudy said, and Carmelo quickly shook his head. "No, I'm not ready to tell them yet. I don't want them to make fun of me." Rudy rolled his eyes with a smile, "Half of them are also gay. They won't care, loverboy." Sighing, Carmelo rested his forehead on the other's shoulder, "I know, I just... I'm nervous."

"Maybe we could try it out tomorrow? It'll be a Saturday, and I don't have to stay long," The strawberry boy asked. 

Carmelo was quiet for a moment as he thought.

"Y'know? Why not," The blue haired boy said as he pulled out his phone, pulling up the group chat he had with his friends. He looked at his phone over Rudy's shoulder as he typed, asking them if they wanted to meet up the next day. Francis quickly responded with 'sure, as long as i can bring onion boy'.

Smiling, Carmelo turned off his phone and laid it on the grass next to them, snuggling back into Rudy.

"I still don't like the smell of your new shampoo."

Rudy chuckled, "I'm sorry! My mom won't let me get some new stuff until I use the rest of it."

"Tell her it's putting me in mental agony! I will personally go over there and squeeze the rest of it down the drain." Carmelo joked, causing both of them to laugh.

"If you really hate it that much, I'll just go over to your house and use yours," Rudy spoke, yawning. It had gotten late, the sky quickly darkening. "Be my guest, my parents are out tonight," Carmelo responded. Rudy gasped, "We could have a sleepover!!"

The blue haired boy smiled and stood up, reaching out a hand to help up the other as he said, "Fine, but you need to promise me we'll go to bed at a reasonable hour. And no, I don't want to watch your movies. I respect you liking them, but they make my skin crawl."

"C'mon, do we really have to go to bed that early? I thought you liked staying up," Rudy stood up with the help of Carmelo, pouting.

Carmelo pointed an accusatory finger at the other as he spoke, "Yes, if you won't force healthy habits on yourself then I'll do it for you, no excuses."

They walked hand-in-hand out of the forest and to Rudy's house to grab a few things before waving bye to Phillipa and heading over to Carmelo's house. 


Carmelo put the cookies in the oven, humming to himself before asking, "Hey Rud-ster, what time is it?"

"...3 AM."

The blue haired boy sighed and leaned on the counter, resting his face in his hands.


(708 words)

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