Family Issues and Getting Drunk (College AU Tobias x Emilio)

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[The following content has slightly-sexual moments and sexual implications.]

[I do not condone underage smoking or drinking. All characters depicted are of legal age (21+).]

[Tw: Mentions of abuse.]

I pulled the child-sized scissors to my bangs and cut, small clippings of my hair falling to the bathroom sink. It's not the most efficient way of getting your hair cut, but I never seem to be able to find the time to get it done professionally. I had to get going soon, and my hair was annoyingly in my face. This seemed like the perfect solution.

I put down the scissors and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was just messy enough for it to look nice and I had my favourite black turtleneck sweater on, as well as some jeans and a pair of black converse. I quickly cleaned my glasses and put them on before grabbing my things as I walked out the door of my apartment.

Class was never fun. Everyone there was the same; shallow and overall not interesting. But something about today was different. I placed my things down next to me and sat in my seat, noticing a new face among the others. He was small, with well-kept black hair and captivating electric-blue eyes. He didn't look like the others and he certainly didn't act like the others either. It was as if he was almost stuck in his own world.

He wore a green sweater with a white button-up underneath, black dress pants, and black shoes. His raven hair was a nice contrast to his perfect pale skin and I felt the urge to go up to him and push it aside, just to see more of him. The colour of his eyes was almost shocking and it'd be hard to believe they weren't contacts if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't look like the type to wear them, let alone even know what they are.

I didn't even notice I was staring until I came back to reality, him staring back at me. The look he gave me was enough to take my breath away. It was a mixture of confused and intrigued, almost matching my own as I studied his features. At that point there was no going back. I picked up my stuff and moved to the seat next to his, giving him a little smile before the professor started the lesson.

During the middle of class, I pulled a sticky note out of my bag and wrote down 'wanna hang after class?', then slipped it to the boy next to me. It immediately grabbed his attention as he looked down to read it, then wrote something down on it and handed it back.

'Sure why not'

God, his handwriting was immaculate. It looked as if he spent a good amount of time trying to get it to look just the way he wanted it to. I made a mental note to ask him about it later then stuck the sticky note in my personal book, wanting to study his handwriting some more later.

Class couldn't have been any slower. But once it finally did end, I packed up my stuff and turned to him, excited to get to know him more. He was like no one I've ever seen before. His page in my notebook was definitely going to be fun to write.

He was packed too, standing up and waiting for me as I had gotten lost in thought again. I stood up and we walked out of the room, making our way outside and into the blinding light of the sun.

It was autumn, my favorite time of the year, and the leaves were pretty shades of reds and greens and yellows. We sat down underneath a tree, sitting fully in the shade, our backs against it and our shoulders about an inch away from touching. "Hey, my name's Emilio, sorry if I scared you during the beginning of class. I tend to space out." He gave me an adorable little smile, looking up at me as he spoke. "It's fine, I was staring at you too. I'm Tobias, it's nice to meet you." Tobias was such a perfect name.

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