Learning to kill (ANGST Tobias x Emilio)

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TW: Gore

Emilio was teeming with excitement as he rushed through his house and grabbed his things, hugging both Vanessa and his mother before exiting through the front door and out into the chilly air. He ran down his neighbourhood street and to the woods, a manic smile on his face. He wouldn't usually run, but this was a very major exception.

He slowed down as he hit the entrance of the vast woods, pulling out his phone to read the location he had earlier typed in his notes app. Turning off his phone and putting it back in his pocket once more, he continued into the woods and headed for the spot.

The candy eyed man knew the place very well. It was where he took Tobias on that infamous day. He wasn't quite sure why Tobias chose that place as the spot to teach him to kill. Perhaps for nostalgia, perhaps Emilio was the one who was going to die. He didn't care. But he was excited to find out.

Entering the area, Emilio's eyes widened as he saw what was waiting for him. Tobias was sitting against a tree, playing with a pocket knife in his hands. On the ground next to him was a person, bound and gagged yet still very clearly alive. The younger man almost looked uncanny, a crazed expression on his face. His eyes darted from the knife to the lanky man approaching him.

"You came." Tobias spoke clearly, an icy touch on his tone.

"Yeah, I... wow," Emilio's smile returned as he fully processed the scene, itching to grab his notebook and write everything down, "When you talked to me earlier today, I certainly wasn't expecting this."

"Is it too much for you? You are allowed to walk out now, I won't say anything. But if you decide to stop during the middle, there will be consequences. Do you understand me, Murkmere?."

The hair stood on the back of Emilio's neck, and he nodded vigorously, "I understand, and I wish to proceed."

And at that, the icy man stood up and held out his pocket knife to the other. Emilio took it, studying its every feature before opening it, wanting to remember as much of it as he could so he could write it down later. The blade nicked his finger as he tested the sharpness, and his smile widened.

Tobias had squatted next to the person, and Emilio recognized them as Tobias adjusted the blindfold on his face and moved them into position. They were from his school, and they weren't much older than the boy manhandling them.

"You'll have to get used to unbound prey eventually, but for now, this will have to do," Tobias said and stood up from the person, "It's easiest to kneel on top of them and pin down the top by their shoulder. Use your body weight to your advantage, or what little you have of it."

Every nerve in Emilio's body vibrated as he straddled the person, making them jump from the sudden contact. Thoughts raced through his mind as the excitement buzzed through him. Placing his hand on their shoulder, he shifted his body weight, admiring the work of the ropes that bound them. The person thrashed around, but Emilio was determined to keep them in place.

"Now finalise it. Aim for in-between the ribs."

Raising his hand up, the manic, candy eyed man brought up the hand that held the knife. He savoured the moment before bringing the knife crashing down into the person underneath him.

The person jolted, but Emilio had them firmly in place. He heard muffled screams through the gag and could feel the warm liquid stain his hands and clothing. The woods were suddenly too loud, an overwhelming feeling flooding into him causing his breath to quicken. Eyes widened and slightly glossed, he wrenched the knife out of the person before plunging it back into them, then pulling it out once more. He continued to stab them, completely oblivious to everything else surrounding him as of that moment.

Emilio stabbed the knife into them one last time, then removed his arm from their shoulder and sat back. He hadn't realised when they had stopped moving, but it didn't matter to him. He panted heavily, looking at the scene that laid before him.

He wiped his face, only to smudge blood on his cheek.

Tobias knelt down and traced his finger along the stab wounds that Emilio had created. "It's definitely amateur handiwork," Tobias began, "But it's not bad. You didn't have to do so many, though. There's potential."

The taller boy looked to the other and smiled brightly. "Thank you! This has been... I mean you're my... and the feeling," He said, unable to form complete sentences.

"I trust you know what will happen if you tell anyone. Is that clear, Murkmere?"

"Of course- Crystal, Tobias."

"I'll handle the clean-up, but next time you'll be doing it," Tobias spoke as he pulled out gloves from his back pocket and put them on, "You may leave now."

Nodding, Emilio walked away. As soon as he was sure he was out of sight, he started to run, before tripping over a root and tumbling onto the grassy floor. He huddled against a tree, his hands running frantically through his hair. A crazed smile was plastered on his heated face as his breath continued to quicken.

He pulled at his hair as he talked to himself, "That was amazing!- The brilliance of the rope-work, his wonderfully unnatural strength for his body size, who is this man?!- His amazing abilities and knowledge have been hidden from me until now- I must learn more, I need to learn more!"

Pulling out his notebook, he furiously wrote down as many details as he could remember, his pencil gliding across the paper. He finished the last sentence with an emphasis on the period before leaning his back against the tree and closing his eyes.

"Next time. I just have to wait until next time."

(992 words)

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