The Prince and the Pauper (SMUT Emilio x Tobias)

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[It's not a large amount of smut, this is more focused on the plot.]

Emilio adjusted the hood on his head as he stared at the mossy brick wall in front of him. He was here for a purpose, and he intended to get what he needed and then leave.

The darkness of the night enveloped him and the black cape that surrounded his thin figure. He pressed his gloved hand against the stone bricks and dragged it along, feeling for large bumps. Finding one, he focused around that area before choosing the thickest. He gripped it tight and pulled. When it didn't fall, he felt satisfied and started hoisting himself up.

As he ascended the vines, Emilio made sure to keep a close eye on his surroundings. He had always been observant, but this would require him to be operating at his max abilities. He couldn't risk getting caught by the guards. No, he had to do this and make it count.

He stopped when he reached a smooth structure. Using one hand to pry the window open from the bottom, he could only pray that his training would pay off and keep him from falling. A latching noise was heard before the window slowly moved outward by itself. He looked at it in confusion, cursing the royals for being so stupid rich that they even added special mechanics to their windows. It was then that he heard leaves crunching coming from somewhere on the ground, and he hurried inside.

Climbing in, Emilio planted his feet flat on the ground before checking his new surroundings. It was, to his dismay, a bedroom of one of the princes. The boy stood like a deer in headlights for a moment as he watched the prince sleep. The prince looked peaceful enough, but Emilio knew he would have to be extra careful.

He tiptoed around the bed, stopping at a dresser. Little trinkets scattered the top just so, forming a pleasant-looking facade of messiness. The prince seemed to be a very tidy person. Emilio pulled out his small, black bag and started gathering a few of them, sticking to the ones that seemed the most expensive. Afterwards, he opened the top drawer and grabbed one or two items from there as well.

Looking to the opposite side of the room, the tabletop furthest away from the bed caught his attention. He moved over to it, scanning the items for the best thing to grab when his eyes widened in surprise. There was a silver signet ring, the seal of the royal family etched into the top. The design was of a cross with a rose behind it.

He quickly picked it up, his eyes filled with wonder as he turned it around in his hand. The money from it could feed him and his sister for months–years, even. He stared at it so much that he was startled when he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

Emilio turned around slowly, his eyes meeting the prince's.

"Hello. May I ask what you are doing in my room?," The prince stated it as a question, but his tone very clearly showed that he was not willing to mess around. Emilio took this in stride and leaned against the table behind him, slipping the ring into his bag as he spoke, "Ah, yes! I came here looking just for you, my prince."

The prince did not look amused as he replied, "Came here looking for me, hm? I'll humor you, what do you want?"

Emilio returned the expression and discreetly placed the black bag into a back pocket within the cloak that he had sewn in just in case. He then took off his cloak and laid it on the ground, praying the dark would be enough to mask his features from any real recognition later if he were able to escape. Afterwards, he walked up closer to the prince and placed his hand on the other man's chest as he said, "Tell me, my prince, do you have any lovers? Male lovers?"

The other man's face flared up, "The mere fact that you would even imply that-"

The thief's smirk widened and he moved ever so slightly closer, "So it's true? You like men?" The prince stayed silent, but his facial features said it all. Yes, he had thought about it before, and yes, he was thinking about it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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