Illusion of the Mind (Emilio and Tobias)

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{QUICK WARNING: This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence as well as hallucinations, major character death, a small mention of suic*de, and psychological trauma. If you have an issue with any/all of these topics, I suggest you do not read this chapter. Take care of yourself.}

Blood dripped from my hands as I sat up from my hunched position.

There was ringing and chirping and squishing and dripping and coughing and wheezing and-

Tobias. There was Tobias.

My eyes dilated as they adjusted to see him clearly. I hadn't noticed it, but I was hyperventilating. My breathing started to become a small chuckle, then expanded into breathy laughter. He looked at me with cold, dead eyes.

"H... Hey, Tobias! What- What are you doing here?," My words slurred against each other in my dizzy state. Fog swirled in my brain and mixed up my thoughts. I felt light headed, like I could pass out at any moment.

He continued to just stare at me. His face bore no emotion.

"Give- Giving me the silent treatment, huh, Tobias? You know I hate it when you do that...," I reached my sullied hand down and cupped his cheek, continuing to laugh to myself. "No need to flag, my dear... I'm right here for you..."

Supine lifelessly, he brought no excitement.

A little droplet of blood dripped from my other hand onto his cheek.

"Oh!- I'm so very sorry about that, darling... I don't know how my hands have gotten so dirty. Here, let me help you with that," I moved to wipe it away with my thumb, smearing more blood as I did so. I smiled at him. He did not return the expression.

This made me frown, letting out unsteady breaths through my mouth as I moved my hands away from his face. I sat back onto the damp grass and spoke to him, "Darling, what's wrong...? You're not usually this quiet... Are you sick?-," My eyes widened as a hazy thought popped into my head and my smile reformed, "Is... Is this a game? Are we playing a game? You... You know I love... games..." Another breathy laugh escaped my lips. "I love games... I-... You like games too, don't you, Tobias? Aren't they just... wonderful?"

"What am I even saying...? Of course you like games, Tobias! We play games all the time...," My laughing grew louder gradually as I continued speaking, "Re... Remember that one time when you told me that- that you didn't like me? Or- Or- Or when you told me to kill myself? Weren't those just the funniest games ever, Tobias? I thought they were so- so... funny... You're so funny, Tobias."

I moved my hands to his chest, my hands roaming over the texture of his red sweater. Was his sweater always red? It didn't matter. The knitted fabric rubbed against my palms and I continued my ramblings, "What game are we playing...? I used to always play hide and seek with my dad... But then the ants came. Ants are such horrible creatures... don't you think...? Don't worry, darling... You'll never be as ugly as an ant. Ants are really horrible. Why do you think they're called 'ants'...? It's an ugly name for an ugly creature..."

The sweater started to feel squishy and warm, and I worriedly moved my hands away from it.

"Oh- I'm sorry- Was I hurting you, Tobias...? I didn't mean to hurt you... Are you angry at me? No, no... You would never be angry with me, my love. I know you really care about me...," I said, but trailed off as my vision swirled and his face contorted into a smile. I giggled to myself and twirled my fingers in his hair. "Yeah, yeah... You really care about me, Tobias... You're so amazing, my dear. We... We were meant to be together... I'm sure you feel the same way...! You're just... just too afraid to say it out loud, is all... Don't worry, darling, you don't have to say it if you're not ready."

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