1. Their arrival

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Nigam Mansion is decorated with flowers and lights. Everyone in house is busy with preparations.

"Abhi" called out vibha. "Yes mom" he said entering the room.

"Check upon sid, when will he reach" said vibha. "i just called him, he reached airport, on the way to home" said abhi

"No no, I have already kept his suit on the car, ask him to get ready and reach wedding venue itself" said vibha. "Ok mom" said abhi.

After sometime in wedding venue.

"what happened??" Asked vaishu to tensed abhi. "sidd is not attending calls" said abhi.

"Don't worry maybe he is about to reach" vaishu tried to calm him. "By now he would have reached, don't know what happened" said tensed abhi.

"Where is sid??" Asked vibha. "Don't know mom I am calling him, don't worry he will be reaching soon" abhi calmed her.

"Guests are continuously asking about him" said vibha. "Don't worry about them, they will always have something to ask" said abhi.

"But it's his wedding today, and auspicious time is about to end" said vaishu.

They all were tensed about sidd while his car reached. Everyone calmed down. Everyone attention turned to sidd.

Sid stepped out, but he wasn't alone. He forwarded his hands and sm else stepped out the car.

"Who is this girl with him??" Asked vibha. "How will I know I just saw what you did" replied abhi.

"It maybe his friend who came to attend wedding"said vaishu.

"Come" said sid to that girl. They both walked into the venue.

"But why is he in his casuals, you did kept his suit right??"asked abhi. "Yes I did, i was thinking the same"said vibha

"Sid why are you in your casuals??" Asked vibha. "Mom I am sorry" said sid.

"Sid, now come with me. Change right now" said vibha. "Firstly meet her mom, y/n" said sid

"Oh nice have you here" said vibha. "But why don't you tell us earlier your friend is coming along"  asked abhi.

"She's not here to attend my wedding" said sid. All got confused "then what she's doing here" asked abhi.

Sid signed to vaishu, but she didn't understand the reason.

"She's my wife, we are married" sid's words shocked everyone.

To be continued............

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