2. Bride

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VA was about to say something but vaishu cut. "oh god what just happened (slapped her forehead) before all these can't you think of our reputation?? And now don't know which curse he bought the house" vaishu said loudly.

Everyone's attention turned to them.

"Vaishu what are you doing, everyone will listen," Abhi told her. "Let everyone know about it, what's left to hide" vaishu shouted loudly.

In between vaishu signed y/n 'It's alright.

"Mom" called Sid. "Don't you dare call me mom, from now on I don't have a son like you" said vibha.

"Mom pls don't say that" said sid.

"Then what else do you want her to say??" Asked vaishu. "Now get lost from here" she said.

vaishu sighed sid to take her home. they left. By the time the bride who's marriage was fixed with sidd came to VA.

"mummy" she whined seeing all this drama. "everything will be alright my doll, don't know what kind of black magic she did to my son" said vibha. 

sid's father came there. 

"di say something" she said. "what is left to say, after seeing all these I don't have energy to say anything" said vaishu.

"you don't worry the girl who came will go back to London itself, I will never let her shadow fall on my house" said vibha. "what do you mean?? dont you hear what sid said?? she is our daighter-in-law" said sid's father.

"daughter-in-law y foot. i dont even know who the hell she is" said vibha. "mummy what if sidd  took her to house??" said the bride.

"that's correct, abhi take the car" said vibha. "but what about the guests??' asked abhi. "yeah mom, and after whatever happened sid won't dare to take her to house" said vaishu.

"i dont care about these people and i have no trust in this boy, now take the care" said vibha. "ok mom" said abhi.

sid's father stayed back to take care of guests.

sid and y/n reached home but just after them vibha abhi and vaishu too reached. vibha stood across the door not letting them come in.

"mom pls let us come in." said sid. "you can always but not this girl" said vibha.

To be continued................

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