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Stella's POV

I woke up in my bed in the Gryfindor dormitory as the 7 am bell rung. Hogwarts turned into a prison instead of a haven now that Voldemort ruled over. Sure we still had our seven years of school but we didn't look forward to it like we used to. I had one more year and I was free. I got up changed and brushed my hair and headed towards the great Hall for breakfast. As soon as I sat down my sister, Rose sat down next to me and began to chat. It was her first year here and she loved it regardless of the darkness that over hung the castle grounds.

"Stella? Stella? Earth to Stella!" My sister shook my shoulders

"What what?"

"You zoned out as usual." She rolled her eyes "as I was saying-"

Our conversation was interrupted by a small and dainty cough that was loud enough for the entire Great Hall to hear.

"Good morning students." Dolores spoke. Her voice and her simpering made my blood boil

"Good morning Headmistress Dolores." We all said in unison.

"As you are all aware the drawing ceremony is tomorrow evening. Today there will be no school you are free to do as your please until seven o clock this evening. Thank you." She stepped off in her pink tutu thing that I would never wear in a million years and pranced to her seat next to Trenawney.

"What's the drawing ceremony?" Rose asked. Yeah she doesn't know what it is. I kinda wanted to keep it that way but of course Dolores had to tell us.

"Come with me." I whispered grabbing her hand. I led her to a private corner as I began to tell her her face paled.

"Why didn't you tell me???" She whispered yelled

"I didn't want you to worry-"

"Not worry? You've got to be joking. Not worried about getting my name drawn? Oh yeah because going into the games of magic isn't a big deal despite the fact I might get killed- "

"And it's one of the reasons why Mom and dad didn't want to send you. " She opened her mouth as I quickly finished "look it's not gonna happen they never pick first years. They usually pick fourth fifth six and seventh years. And I'm certainly not going to let them start now. "

She nodded quickly as I hugged her.

"I have some things to attend to but I'll see you tonight. Try not to worry yourself to death."

She nodded as i walked quickly to the seventh floor. The room of requirement door opened as I quickly slipped in to find Neville looking at pictures of the old order of the Phoenix. He was like a brother like me looking after me and teaching and guiding me.

"Hey." I said softly laying a hand on his shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm alive aren't I?"He said quietly "I'm not gonna make it if I go in."

"You made it through the battle of hogwarts you can make it through this."

"What about you?how are you doing?" He turned around

"I'm fine. My sister found out."


"No. She will not go in. I won't allow it. I'll go in her place if I have to-"

"It's too dangerous-"

"Hogwarts isn't a haven anymore. It isn't safe as it used to be."

"I know. But your our best recruit. I would hate-"

"I know. " I hugged hi as the seven I click bell rang "I'll try and see you tomorrow."

I ran quickly to the dormitory as I reassured my sister. As she fell asleep I prayed neither of us had to go in.

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