2: Childish Manik

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Manik's pov

She left somewhere meanwhile I was screaming in pain, I don't know weather I would be able to walk again or not  because this pain don't let me sleep

"Ok Manik give me your hand" she said

"Why?" I asked trying to control my pain

"Because I am going to give you painkiller" she said

"Ok"I give my hand to her

But the next moment I saw injection in her hand which caught my attention, I immediately pull my hand back.

"What the hell are you doing" I asked while puling my hand back

"What, I am giving you the pain killer" she said innocently

"Then give me the the tablet not injection" I said while rolling my eyes

"Look Manik, I Don't know where are the tablets so l have to inject you otherwise the pain will increase" she said holding my hand

"Listen don't you dare, ok"I said pulling it back

"Manik its injection not a knife, why are u behaving Like a kid?" she asked holding it back

"Because I hate injections, so Just get out" I again pulling it back

"Ok fine, relax, just tell me what's your favourite food" She asked sitting beside me

"Why are you asking" I asked being little curious

"Because I will make you favourite food today" she Said

I like Steaks with sauce and white rice" I said fully drooled in the imagination of the food

"So you want me to make one for you" she asked

I was busy in remembering my love that I didn't noticed when she held my hand, she injects me it was when I looked at her because of a sudden pain. I looked at her angrily

"What the fuck are you doing Miss?" I asked in angry tone

"Injecting you" she said with a Smile

"What the hell is your problem, I told you I hate injections and its paining me take it out fast" I say to her still in angriness.

She pull out injection in a speed which given me more pain

"Ouch are you mad?" I yell

"You said to take it out so I just did it"' she said trying to become smart

"You know what you are dumb, just get out of here miss..Miss?" I stopped because l didn't knew her name

"Nandini Murtiy" she completed

"Ya ya whatever, out" I said

"What?" she asked being confused

"Listen I am saying For the third time just get out, Cant you hear?" l asked being irritated

"But Manik I have to give you medicines" she said with a cute pout

"Aww, but Nandunu I haven't done my breakfast yet" I said mimicking her "So just get out and make some Breakfast for me"l again yell

"What, me and breaktast?" she asked and I again rolled my eyes

"Oh god, who made you nurse? Look your listening frequency range is very low, so just go and check it by a doctor, it will be better for you" I said while she was in a anger by now

"Mr. Manik-" she was going to say but I interrupted

"Get out"

She left the room with so much of anger while I lay down closing my eyes.

I Fell For My Nurse✔️Where stories live. Discover now