10: Painful Night

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Manik's pov

"Nan...Nandini?" I was shocked, I was short of words. Is she really here?

"Manik, what the hell are you doing here and how the fuck you got my address?" She asked in anger but in a low voice maybe she don't want her friends to hear this, did she forgot that they are my friends as well

"Nan-" before I could complete she interrupted me

"Manik, get out I don't want to see you, you already have troubled me a lot now if you try to do anything else I will surely complain to police" she said and I was all confused what I did?

"But what I have done?" I asked

"Oh, now Don't say you don't know what I am talking about" she said making me more and more confuse "haven't
you troubled me with your so called messages" oh so she was talking about that

Ya I did that but I just tried to talked to her but she denies to do that also "now go from here Manik" she said and I without saying a word turned around to go but remembering my friends I stopped

"Umm, Cabir!" I shouted from the door and he came in just few seconds

"Yo bro why are you still here come inside" he said

"No, actually I, I have to go office as I just got a call,  Mr. Kapoor is waiting for me, tomorrow they are going back so he wants to meet me last time" I lied, A complete lie.

"Hmm...ok" he was giving looks to me and Nandini every after a second. He went inside and I looked at her

"If you don't mind can I...I just hug you, only for once please" I said with hope

"No, you can go" she said and I nodded

"Ok then bye once again" I Said and left without turning back

I don't want her to see my eyes wet, I controlled myself so that tears won't come out. I sat in car putting my head on back spot I closed my eyes, because I have nothing else to do, I can't even go home without them because the keys are in Cabir's pocket. I slept unknowingly thinking about her

Nandini's pov

I saw him going out and I closed the door. I turned around and took a step back seeing Cabir standing folding his arms around his chest

"What happened?" I asked

"That's the question I want to know, what happened what happened between you both?" He asked

"What, nothing happened" I said looking down

"No, I know What happened but I Just want to know that why are you doing this to him, look I completely underatand that you are doing this because you don't have feelings for him and I will not force you to feel
for him but please don't insult him like this" he said and I was confused

"When did I insulted him" I asked

"Just few minutes ago, seeing him here you suddenly said him to get out and also you said that he is following you But the truth is that he doesn't even know that where we are going as we haven't told him, we haven't took him here to make you feel uncomfortable, I just took him here because he has forgotten how to live a life, he has forgotten how to smile, it's easy for you to say him get out because you don't know what we know" he said

"What, what I don't know?" I asked

"You don't know that after you left his condition was unable to see. I thought we lost him, he was having marks on his hands. His eyes were swallowed. He was breathing but he was like a dead body We tried to make him feel better but it was like he don't want to. Also he lost Dr. Nyonika his mom you know about her right? She was her second mother who took care of her after his parents but she was A cancer patient. Nandini it was really hard to get him back please Don't do this, don't bash him like this. Can't you give him a chance Just as a friend? You know what he will accept that too because he loves you so much. You can see that he is still outsIde, he wil lie that he isn't here for you but the truth is he is here for you only. I am again
saying I am not forcing  you I am just telling you the truth" he said and left without listening my reply

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