9: Will You My partner

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Manik's pov

I was sad listening that she is going back by the evening but I didn't show because I can understand that she has her own family so I Smiled and just nodded. All the time I was with her in my room laying putting my head on her lap while she was just caressing my hairs I did so much chit chats with her and then after sometime she just went

As soon as she left Nandini also took her bags as like she was waiting for this only. I stopped her when she was near to the main door. I held her hand

"Please Don't go" I again pleaded

"Manik Don't start all that again, leave my hand" she said trying to loose my gripe but I was holding her tightly

"Nandini I am sorry for my behavior I know I am stupid I have done very wrong with you please forgive me" I sais

"I am not angry on you but please let me go" she said

"Ok dont go now please stay for few more days, just 3 or 4 not much please" I said last word with a sad pout to which she thought for a minute and nodded

"Ok but just 3 days" She said, What really

I can't believe

"And ya one more thing" I stopped to gain her attention "I have something to show you can you meet me at the terrace by tomorrow evening?" I asked

"For what reason?" She asked

""It's a surprise I will Tell you there only, will you come?" I again asked

"OK I will" she said and went to her room

Whole night I spend on terrace I was decorating it with flowers. I was confused because I don't know which flower she likes so I thought to decorate it with all kind of flowers. I don't know how fast time passed, it's already late and I have to complete it by morning at any cost.

After I was done I took Out my phone and starts searching for the different ways to propose

Shall I do a dance? No I will look like an idiot

Should I sing for her No, she will run listening my voice

Should I propose her by a kiss? No man as we have already done it so it's not special. I want to do something special

After every 10 minutes I was watching time and finally my wait was over I went down in my room before she could catch me and dressed myself in a perfect dress. I wasted half an hour finding some good clothes because I want to look perfect today. I went out to eat breakfast

I went out and there she was in her night suit I thought to see her in a Beautiful dress but it's ok.

I was busy eating my food but something Is different she is not talking much, what happened? Our breakfast went silent and finally the evening for which I was waiting from yesterday came.

I was sitting on the chair which I arranged for us waiting for her like a fool lover, it was when I listened her footsteps I hide myself behind the door

Finally she came and today she was looking more beautiful than other days. Ok I know she is in her simple daily basis clothes but she is looking so beautiful today

I came out stands behind her while her back was facing me.I went more close to her with baby steps

"Wow, this is so beautiful" she finally spoke

"Do you like it?" I asked huskily in her ears, she took a step back being scared but looking at my face she sighed

"I Loved it Manik' she said with a bright smile on her face

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