18: Who Are You?

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It's been 5 days Manik's condition is still not good, he was not fully recovered

"Manik how are you feeling now?" Pooja asked while Cabir and Shaurya were also there

"I am ok, I have told you a trillion times that I  am ok I am fine please let me go I need to find her before it's to late" He shouted

"We can't Doctor has still didn't discharged you" Cabir said

"Do hell with the Doctor and discharge I said I am fine And I want to go please let me go I don't want to loose her again please" He said being mad

"You can go Manik " Misha said entering inside

"What really?" He asked with excitement

"Yes your condition is much better then before you can go but you have to promise that you will take care of yourself you are not yet fully recovered" she said

"I promise I will do please take out this drips from my hand I want to go'" he said while Misha did

As soon as the drip was of from his hand he ran from there

"Bro slow down you are not well" Cabir shouted but he Didn't listened

"Misha can we talk?" Shaurya asked

"Sure" she said and went out

"Ahem ahem, Something is happening here but I am not able to understand but I will find out soon" Cabir said

"Shut up" Shaurya said and left. They went in other room

"Can you please now tell me how Manik recovered so soon? Because I remember you said his condition is not good he can even go in comma then what happened suddenly?" Misha asked

"He wasn't I lied because I didn't want you all to see him" she said


"Because of Nandini, yes she was the one you took Care of him She was here all night all day almost everytime and she doesn't want you to see her she said me not to tell anyone but still I am telling you hope you will keep this as a secret" she said

"What why me only? He asked

"Because I Trust you" she said coming little close

"Really you do" He asked and she nodded

"Shaurya I want to tell you something, I don't know what you feel for me or what you think about me but I have fallen in love with you I know it's awkward but I can't take you out of my mind and I-" her words left incomplete as he kissed her

After of few seconds only they broken the kiSS

"And I love you from the day I saw you" he said and both smiled

Manik's pov

I finally reached here, I just wish I could see her I knock the door while my heart was beating faster and faster

After of two minutes the door open and here she was with open hair wearing obstacles still in a night suit. I entered inside

"Yes?" she asked

Without any reply I put my lips on hers kissing her hard. She wasn't responding, I hope she won't push me this time because this is the last try from my side after that I will surely leave 

She was trying to free herself while I just held her waist tightly. I missed her so much. At last she finally got success to make a

"Who are you and how dare you kiss me?" She said while my world stop, I lost my balance

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