13: He Is A Liar

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Nandini's Pov

"Nandini please for once listen to me please" he was banging the door

He is A liar, He lied to me. I was Wrong about him All mens are same. He said he loves me but after seeing other girls he left me all alone there in that jerks hand and left with her


I was dancing in my own world when suddenly I saw three to four mens around me watching me from head to toe while one of them came close and caressed my arm

I pushed his hand away and tried to go but they block the way. I saw back to call Manik but found no one there. I got scared, I tried to move but all in vain

"Come let's have some fun babes" One of them spoke and I pushing them went from there.

They also followed me.I run and shouted for help

"Help! Help! Someone please help me" I shouts while listening to this they ran from there. I went towards the counter to to ask about Manik

"Hy! Do you know where the person went who was sitting here 10 minutes ago?" I asked

"He just went in that room" He said pointing towards the room which was in front

Saying thank-you I went to that room. As soon as I opened the door, I broken down seeing him in that state

Flashback ends

I thought He is different from others but he just shows me that he is same, I hate you Manik, I hate you so much

It's midnight almost 2 am it was raining outside, I was walking around the window thinking about that incident

My eyes were swell as I was still crying
Suddenly I saw outside. I opened the window to see clearly it was Manik, he was sitting on a bench Fully wet watching the door of the house

"Manik" only this word came out of my mind, I took umbrella and went out to see him continuously shivering.

I went close to him and seeing me he suddenly stood and came close to me

"Nandini, listen to me please let me explain you I-" I didn't let him complete

"Come inside" I said, he was fully drenched

"Nandini please listen to me what you saw was not true-" I  again interrupted him

"Manik go to that room where you stayed last time, there are some of your clothes you changed that day go and wear them otherwise you will catch cold" I said and he without arguing left

I also went to my room and sat there closing my eyes I was in my deep thoughts when I felt someone's presence near me l opened my eyes to see him sitting in front of me.

He is still same he don't even knock while coming in someone's room

"Manik, what are doing in my room, listen I dont want to hear any excuses" I said and he said nothing he was just looking at me like he is deaf or a statue

"Nandini, I will not give any excuses just look at me into my eyes, you think I can do such type of things. I was not in my senses I don't know what happened to me suddenly because Alcohol never effects me but last night I don't know how it happened and that girl with whom I was in room I thought it was you that's why I went with her
I can never betray you I can't even think of doing that and you know that very well please trust me please, you are very important to me I can't bear loosing you again please Nandini please for once look into my eyes" he said and

I can see he was scared, scared of loosing me

I Don't know weather I should believe him or not but his eyes were saying that he is not lying also my heart was saying the same

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